At USM, Burroughs served as recruiting coordinator, i.Iifield coach and handled in-gaine duties as third base coach. He was also successful in his role as hitting coach and in the development of USM's sluggers. He coached seven All-Americans and nine freshman All-Americans. In addition, 10 of his position players signed profes– sional baseball contracts, five of whom were top 10 selections in the Major League baseball draft. During his nine-year tenure at USM.
East Central begins the 2012 season by hosting Bossier Parish on Saturday. Feb. 11. Doubleheader adion g(•ls under way at 1 p.m. al the Clurk/Guy Baseball Complex. Serving as Holliman's assistants m·e first-year staff members ,Justin Brewer and Jack Edmonson. For more information, Goarh ~eal Holliman 601-63r1-6:l74 or call toll fr<'e, 877-462-:3222, ext. 374. His e-mnit address is nholliman@ec('c.l'du.
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