ECCC Diamond Warriors Continuing Careers
Seated are members ofthe East Central Community · College baseball team who are shown signing national letters of intent to continue their careers on the university level. From left are outfielders Xzavier Franklin and Terrance Steele, who both signed with Mississippi Valley State University; a nd shortstop Tim Anderson who inked with the University of Alabama-Birmingham. Franklin posted a .292 ba tting average and collected 14 RBi s in 20 12. He is a product of Newton County High School, where his coach was EC alumnus Wyatt Tullos. Steelepounded 19 singles and four doubles and was credited with 15 RBls. He is also one of the team's top base runners with 20 stolen bases. Steele is a product ofNeshoba Central High APF School and played for EC alumnus Brian Jones. CAA Anderson led the 2012 NEV\ plate with a .362 batting AL SPIJ; average and 39 R~Is.
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and Justi n Brewer. "We are tremendously proud of all three young men,'' satd Holliman. " T heir success is another attribute of our program and represents our growth." Coach
44 runs. Anderson is a product ofHillcrest High School inTuscaloo a. H1s high school coach was ToddAgee. Standing from Left are Diamond Warrior coaches Jack Edmonson, Neal Holliman (head)
Holliman said several other sophomore players aecided not to commit during the early stgning period and will keep the1r optiOns open until the spring. (EC Photo)
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MER with four home runs, a
triple and nine doubles - - --– and scored a team high
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