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EC's Leal taken in MLB draft After two standout guys that you. cannot say ning games. enough about," said
"He just shut down the Holliman of the 6-foot, running game,"' Holliman 190-p ou n d .--.-------:,....-----, said. "He did product of not throw out Guaynabo, many guys ... Puerto Rico. because no one "Carlos was would run on a phenome- him. Out of nal l eader; respect, they his work wouldn' t even ethic was off try." the charts. But it 's He was also mor e than just a good stu- "stat s" that dent in the make Leal a cla sroom. standout stu- You don't get Carlos Leal dent-athlete. a chance to coach guys "It's r eally nice when like that every day ·• your beRt player s ar e Leal's hard work obvi- your best people with the ously paid off for tbe best work ethic," said Diamond WruTlors' team Holliman. "You see guys captain as he was the who get drafted because only catcher named on they are great athletes the NJCAA All-Region 23 but don't have the best team and was a unan1- work ethic...Carlos has it mous selection for first aU ... be's Gr ade A ... team MACJC AU-State and deserves everything honors following the 2012 that comes to him.'' campaign. "I am very thankful for He batted .321 with the opportunity that three home runs, six dou- coach Holliman and bles, and 27 RBis. But he ECCC gave me to study was most impressive on and play baseball," Leal defense, where he com- said. piled a .929 fielding per- Leal is the fourth play– centage behind the plate er in four year s drafted and almost completely from the Di amond silenced opponents' run- Warrior program.
"easons at East Central Community College in Dceatur, catcher Carlos Leal has a from tough deci- school sion to m_ake reports regard1ng his baseball car eer. Leal, who late last fall signed a letter of intent with Delta State University in Cleveland, was drafted in the 33rd round of the 2012 Major League Baseball First– y car Player Draft by the Pittsburgh Pirates. Although he bas not decided which path he will take, Leal was obvi– ously excited about the prospect or playiug.Major· League basebalL "It means a lot to me.'' said the Puerto Rico native regarding his opportunity to play in the big leagues. "Getting drafted and getting a chance to play profes– sional baseball is great and I am very excited." ECCC head baseball coach Neal Holliman said Leal is W<'ll deser ving of tht.> attention he has received, especially from Major League baseball. MHe's just one of those
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