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"'""-'=.:...:'=t'.l:'l "tate University assis- Burroughs helped IC'ad the Golden sebai1 coach Lane Burroughs Eagles to six straight ~CAA posl-st.>a– rui gue-.t "peaker when East son regional toumnment appem'tlnecs ira1 Commun.:) College from and the program's first Confcrene ~. .... ~ual Fir t Pitch school USA title. Irumer on ~rurday, Feb. 4. reports Bm·roughs launched his coaching Acthitifu ~gin a t 6:30 p.m. career as a gradual(> assistant rmwh at in iabry temorial Cafeteria on the his alma mater Mississippi College, Decatur campus. serving one year before joining Bill •eaJ Holliman, who is in his sixth Baldner's staff at East ~lississippi ~ear leading the ECCC base- .--~=~--, Community College in Scooba ball program. said he is "very in 199i. appreciative"' to Burroughs He began his cotwh inp; for taking the time to help association with John Cohen a East Central kick off lhe 2012 year later as an assistnnt ba ...eball campaign. coach at Northwestern (La.) Holliman added, "We are State, and helped dil·c<'t tht' ' cry excited and honored to Demons to a 40-20 ma1·k and have Lane Burroughs as our the 1998 Southland Cooft.w- gue ·t ·peaker. I have gotten to ence Championship. know Coach Burroughs over Following the 200i season the last 10 years and can bon- at USM, Burroughs moved estly say 1have a tremendous from Conference USA to the amount of respect and admira- Lane Big 12 Conference and U<'Cl'pt- tion for him as a person and Burroughs ed an assistant coaching posl- coach.~ tion on Brad Hill's ::;tart at Burroughs, a former Meridian Kansas State. That season the WildC'dts Community College and Mississippi advanced to the c·humpionship gam~ of College baseball standout, is in his fourth the Big 12 Tournament. year on John Cohen's Bulldog staff. Burroughs played high school bu~c- Tbe Meridian native joined the MSU ball at West LaudCI·dale in Collinsville, staff in June 2008 after having served where he was eoached by JeiTy as an assistant coach in the Big 12 Boatner. one of the all-time \\inningN;t Conference for Kansas State in 2008. roaches in Mississippi high school He helped lead the 2011 Diamond baseball history. Dawgs to the Regional Championship lie continued his career at MCC and the Super Regional finals en route under Corky PalmC'J' and helped i<'nd to a 38-25 record. the Eagles to N,JCAA Region 23 titles in Burroughs is in his 17th season as a 1992 and 1993. His suecess continued baseball coach and is well-schooled in at MC under Tom madney, wlwre he Magnolia State baseball. In addition to played t\vo seasons and was bonot:ed playing the sport on the high school and as an All-Gulf South Conference out– college levels in the state, Burroughs fielder and the tenm l\IVP in 1995, his spent all but three of his first 14 years final campaign with the Choctaws. in the coaching profession in Tickets to the ECCC Fil'st-Pitc·h Mississippi, including a highly success- Dinner are $25 for adults and S12 fm· ful nine-year stint as an assistant children 12 and under. Souvenir· coach a t Southern Miss. Diamond Warrior items \\ill also be APPEARED IN: available for purc·hase.
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