~ Warriors close '"" ~ out season with ~ losses at ICC u. 0 The 2012 baseball sea– ~ son ended for the East lli Central Community Col– ~ lege Diamond Warriors with 8-7 from and 12-6 combined losses to reports Itawamba MACJC First-Round Series ltawamba 8 - 12 East Central 7 - 6 Hinds 14 -11
5 - 7
in the MACJC best-of– three series last weekend. EC concluded its sea– son with a 25-23 record under sixth-year head coach Neal Holliman. Holliman was obvious– ly disappointed with tho results of the weekend series, but praised squad members for their efforts throughout the season. "I was proud of our guys and the way they fought through adversity this year in tho fact that we had several injuries," said Holliman. "We cer– tainly didn't accomplish the things we set out to do and that is my respon– sibili ty, but we will regroup and go again next year. This was a very enjoyable group to be around and wo will
6-11 1 - 3
Miss. Delta
Members of the 2012 East Central Community College baseball team and their respective high schools indude (front row, from left) Caleb McKee, Nesboba Central; Kyle Henson, StarkvUle Academy; Dustin Floyd and Robert Greer, bot h of Neshoba Central; Fred Hampton, NanJb Walya; Xzavier Franklin, Newton County; David McAdory, Louisville; Rubert 1\lcan*a~e, St. George, Dominican Republic; and Nick Hodges, Vancleave; (second row) assistant coach Jack Edmonson; Jared Seymour, St. Martln; Carlos Leal, Colegio San lgnRcio, Puerto Rico; Blake Cunningham, Louisville; Te rrance Steele, Neshoba Central; Tim Anderson, Hillcrest, Tuscaloosa, Ala.; Severino Signa, Deer Creek; Jordan Mixon, East Webster; Marc Cruso, Harrison Central; Ricardo Velez, Colegio La Merced, Puerto Rico; head coach Neal lloJiiman and assistant coach Justin Brewer, and (back row) manager Nkholas NewelJ, Jackson; Brock Ward, Louisville; Fernando Gonzalez, Colegio San Ignacio, Puerto Rico; Kallk May, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama; Casey Wells, West Jones; Blake Dubuisson, Long Beach; Evan Humphries, Louisville; Coy Sorenson, Kosciusko; Shawn Wiseman, IUchton; Ryan Shotts, Louisville; and managers Jake Frasier, Carthage; and Deter.ron Hardin, Louisville.
Gulf Coast Northeast
7 - 5 5 - 0
certainly miss this group of sophomores." Itawamba improved to 37-9 heading to the MACJC State Tourn– ament which begins Thursday at Fulton. Itawamba is ranked No 8 nationally in the NJCAA Division II poll. Itawamba 8 EC 7 Fred Hampton's three-run homer in the eighth inning followed by Ricardo Velez's three– run blast in the ninth ral– lied EC from an 8-1 deficit Friday but the
Indians held on for the ODC-'-l'UD \iCtm·y. Hampton Hnd Vt~lez also sing·Jt:>d and fini~hed
with three RBis each to lead the EC offense. Tim Anderson bad a double and a single.
Severino Signa took the loss. He allowed two earned runs on one hit through 2 2/3 innings.
See Warriors, 10-A...
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