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l OA, The Neshobn Democrat, Philadelphia, Mfs ., Aprll 11, 2012 ECCC's Diamond Warrior spl' t at N rt west
ami Steele, ro.ingle. cal'lt. St 'e'l~ mul the Jon mn St U1cr .Mruc Cruso ol Harrison Centrnl !IKlk the luss The- nght·hPnder nllo\\ ed two eatnltl mn' on t"'o hils through four inning~ nf "1 •rk He uiM fannoo lout ih~ttl ·• and wulf.. thr~l' Rlght·hnndcl rctnnndll GoOJnlet. of Put rtn Rico hurkd the ltnnl t\\o innmg~ 1md fanned five hattet/1. Th Diamond Wnrnur.i return to South Divl'ion .u;tion Wednesday, Apt it II, when they host SouthWl''•t Mi~ i ''PPI Ill I douhlehender beginning itt 3 p.m at the Chu k/G.ty Bu~ehnll Complex. J~(' hattks (.Jtyismn foe Hind~ Snturuny, April 14 Ihe twmbill get~ under \\ ~y Ill I p.m ut the Clruk/Ony IJuschAll Complex. Eu~t Centr.tl' hll~eh;tll pru– pnun i~ kd b head ~oo;u.:h Ne.~ Hullimun 11n<.l \I~Si'lliUlts Ju~tin Btt ~ r und J11ck F.dm· n on
win m rehel. He allowed two hits itnd no l' 1m tl run thmu~th fow jnning~ ut W\lrk. He al~o limned three butters IUJtl wnlked thret!. Starter Shawn Wi,em m hurll'd 113 inning and ullowcd three ~:amed nms on twu hits The ri~ht h.mder lnmwd n battl r and wnlked two. Right hnndcr Evan Humpluie~ of Lmtiwille hurled the finnl I 2f3 Inning~>. Be funned two hatter~ and walked one. In the econd conte t, • out hit NorthWC!.I by n 7·2 mnrpht but could not ~cncrute enough runs lm a vtctnry. The Ranger~ scored twice In the fourth inning und addoo a sin jle mn Ill the tifth to C!Ull U split of the doublchcuder. EC'!l run cnme in the seventh inning. Hampton had two slnr les und knocked in EC':. only mn lo lend the ol h.'\ f' Ande~on also belted r.ingk-s. Other hillel \\ere Muy. Velet
innings to complete their 'iC(lring. CIU'lo~ I eal of Puerto Rico belted three angle' tQ Jeoo EC' offen11e. He also collected an RBI. Other lugger.., were Tim Anderson of Hillcrest (Aiu.) High School and Kyle Hcn"mot Stnrkville AcPdemy, two Ingles nnd two R.Bls euch; Fred Hnmpton of Nnnih Waiya, KnHk May of1\tscnloosu County (Alu.) nnd Terrance Steele ol Ne,hoba Central, single .md twn RBI\ ouch; Rubert Alcnntnrn ol the Dominican Republi • sinple und RBI; and Xtavier Frankltn of Newton County, single. Ricardo Velet of Pueno Rico wn\ credit· ed with two RBJs. Ha.mpton, Mny. Anderson Leal, Alcantara. Hen,on and Steele scored two nms each, and Velez nnd Franklin each ~cored once. Rlght-hnndt.:l Jordan Mixon of En~t Web•.ter ptd \:d up the
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-~-"' Alter cruhing 16-6 in the Jpencr, Bast Ccntrul Community Collrse'R bu~ebtlll ~quail was !dg~>d 3-1 in the niphtcap of ll twin bill with Northwest Mls issippl Friday on the Senatobia campus. Pollowing the spill deci~lon :>f the non-divi ion doublehead :r, EC's record stood at 21-13 :weral1 while the hust Rangers !lfe 16·16. The OiiUllond W!llTiors are 8-4 in tho MACJ(.' South Divil'ion. In the opener, the Diamond Warriors potted Northwest a 4-0 lead in the first inning but re ponded with ~teven runs in the top of the second. RC ndded a run lD the third nnd ixmore in fourth before closing out Lho scoring :>nslnught with two runs In the ..ixth inning. Tho Rangers added single runo; In the second nnd fourth
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