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~ 2 ~ z ~ JEC DiamondWarriors take pair fromHinds, Gulf Coast The East Central Commun- and go lo Pear l River on County bad - .... four earned I'uns on four hits 'Fbe Warriors impr oved to ity College Warr iors got back Saturday for a pair or division thr·ee sin- through 5 1/3 innings. 16-10 overall and 4-2 in the in the MACJC South Divisi on doubleheaders. gles and In the second contest, Fred MACJC South Division with r ace last week as from EC 13-4 two RBI. Hampton and KyleHenson both Sunday's doubleheader sweep they swept Hinds combined Hinds 5-3 R i c a r d o doubled to lead the EC offense. of Gulf Coast in Decatur. C o m m u n i t y reports The Warriors improved lo Velez had Anderson, Velez, Leal , Ricardo Velez doubled and College and Miss- 14-10 overall and 2-2 in the two dou- Terrance Steele, and David singled and knocked in two issippi Gulf Coast Community division with the sweep at bles, Kal ik McAdory each had a single. 1·uns and Carlos Leal blasted College. Raymond on March 20. May had a Henson, McAdory, and May two sing1es and had three RBI The Warr ior s swept Hinds In lhe opener , Carlos Leal of single and were each credited with an RBI. to lead EC's offense in the (13-5, 4-3) and Gulf Coast (7-1, Puer to Rico and 'T'imAndcr·son a triple, Jordan Mixon, one of six EC opener. Both are from Puerto 6-1} to improve to 4-2 in the of Hillci·est (AJa.) High School and Nick Xavier hurlers in the nightcap, got the Rico. dJvision. blasted four singles ~acb to a o d g e s Fr nklln win in re~ief.. He hurled two EC brought a 16-10 overall lead the EC offense, whtch out- had two a scoJ·elcss mmngs and walked record into this week. hit the Eagles by a 19-7 mar- singles. a batter. In this week's aclion,.EC is gin. Leal also had three RBI. Starter Casey Wells was the EC scheduled to host Jones today Xzavier Franklin of Newton winning pitcher. He allowed GuU Coast 7-6 1-1
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