ECCC diamond warriors sweep_ Offenses dominated for both teams in the opener and East Central Community College hats 1·emained hot in the nightcap a the home standingDiamond War– riors registered a pair of victories over MissiR– Rippi Delta Community College Sunday afte.r– noon at the Clark/Gay Baseball Complex in De– catur. The twin bill was originally scheduled for Saturday but was moved to Sunday due to wet field conditions. EC cruised 19-9 in the nme-inning contest. Kalik Mav of TuscalooRa ·County (Ala.) and Newton County High School product Xa,ricr Ftanklin each had two hit~ and– tJue~ RBis to lead the offense. May, who dou– bled and singled, also :;cored three runs. Franklin was credited with two singles and also scored a run. Also with multiple Louisville and Marc Cruso of Harrison Cen– tral. In the second contest, EC jumped out to a 2-0 fir:-;t-inning lead q.nd nddcd a pair of runs in the third. one in tlw fourth and three in the fifth to capture the seven-inning matchup. Delta scored once in the second and added two runs in the fourth. Velez homered and doubled to lead the of– fense. He was also cred– ited with four RBis and scored twice. MSDelta
ruts were Tim AnderSOI\ of Hillcrest (Ala.) and Ricardo Velez of Puerto Rico, two singles each. Both also scored three runs and V ~lez was credited wtth two RBis. Anderson added an RBI. Other Diamond War– rior hitters were Carlos Leal of Puerto Rico, Ru– bert Alcantara of the Dominican Republic Jared Seymour of St. Martin High School and Ryan Shotts and David McAdory, both of Louisville, singles each. Leal and McAdorY were also credited with two RBis each, and Al– cantara, Shotts, Sey– mour and Fred Hampton of Nanih Waiya each knocked in a run. Alcantra and Sey– mour also scored two runs each. Also scoring were Leal, Shotts, Hampton, McAdory and Terrance Steele of Neshoba Central. Starter Shawn Wise– man of Richton picked up the win. Wiseman went 4 1/3 inmngs and allowed six earned runs on seven hits. He fanned three batters and walked one. Brief ap– pearances on the mound were made by southpaw Coy Sorenson of Kosciusko, and right– banders Brock Ward of
first contest and posted an 8-3 victory in the nightcap to even its record at 7·7 under head coach Neal Holliman and assistants Justin Brewer and Jack Ed– monson. MS Delta, led by for- mer EC assistant Michael Avalon, dropped to 3-10-1. Avalon was honored pr10r to the opener by Coach Holliman and Athletic Director Chris Harris who presented the first-year Trojan coach with a framed jer– sey he wore during his five year~ as a Diamond Warrior assistant. In the opener, EC spotted Delta a 1-0 lead in the top of the second inning but the Diamond Warrior offense rallied for nine runs in the bot– tom of the frame to take a commanding 9-3 ad– vantage. The visitors later trimmed the deficit tto 12-9 m the fifth but EC responded with six I runs in the bottom of the inning and added an- !other run in the sixth for l the easy victory, which was called after six in– nings due to the 10-run rule in the scheduled
Hampton also had two hits - a pair of singles - and knocked in two runs. Other hitters were May, Alcantara, McAdory and Franklin. singles each. Each also scored a run. May and Franklin also knocked m a run a piece. Starter Blake Dubuis– son of Long Beach got the win. Dubuisson went 3 2/3 innings and allowed three earned runs on six lilts. He fanned two batters and walked one. Right-han- der Jordan Mixon of East Webster pitched the final 3 113 innings and allowed two hits. He also fanned five batters. The Diamond War– riors host Northeast Mississippi Community College Tuesday, March 6 in doubleheader action getting under way at 1 p.m. at the Clark/Gay bascba~ comple~. ~he opener 1s a nme-mmng
under way at 2 p.m. on the Fulton campus. The
opener is a ni.J:e·inning contest and Wlll be fol-
lowed by a seven-inning matchup.
battle and will be fol - ,A DEMOCRAT lowed by a seven-inning 'OUNTY TIM ES East Central travels_ to ~ COUNTY JOU_R_N---7~~,.. Itawamba Commumty AL V College . Saturday, I-LEDGER March 19 m double- -------- header action getting ----- contest. •
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