Week of {{ brvfMj S , 1f)IIL
Moving On From East Central Community College 1
Name Chris Ficklin Reggie Hall
Signed With Northern Arizona University University of West Alabama Umversrty of West Alabama Delta State Universrty Mrdwestern State Universrty Universrty of Kentucky University of Kentucky Mississippi State Unrversrty Belhaven College Belhaven College Unrversrty of Idaho Mrles College Carson-Newman College
Tyler Robinson Andre Lucious Rickey Cavanaugh Jerrell Pnester Kory Brown Dennis Thames Jesse Blakemore
Darious Wren Srmesi Tupou Corey Collier Tyrone Williams
Appeared in :
Carth~ginian _______
Neshoba Democrat_ ___
Scott County Times___ _
Newton County Appeal /
Spirit of Morton_____ _
Wi nston County JoLornal__
Meridian Star_______
Clarion-Ledger____ _
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