EC students, public can soon 'Google' to locate campus facilities Students v. ho need to know
users, the new technology allows users "to quickly and efficiently navigate through indoor spaces, picking up where GPS leaves off." according to information provided on Google's Web site. There is no charge for the <:en ice. ECCC President Dr. Billy Stewart said ECCC 1s pleased to serve as an educauonal partner with Google in providing the service not only to student~ but for the public as well . "The Google Indoor Mapping setvice is a great tool for new and prospective students and guests of the College who may not know where a room or an office is located in a particular building," said Dr. Stewart. "This informatton wtll also be useful to law enforcement in the
event of a cumpus emergency." Instructor Chris Ryals and his dmfting and d.::sign technology students are in the process of uploaJmg druwings for each building to be included in the Google search. "Our students are very excit– ed about the opponuruty to part– ner WJth Google in this project," R)nls sn1d '\\care also excited that East Centml Community College IS the first MiSSiSSippi communit) college to announce a panncr~thtp With Google Indoor Maps." Google indoor mapping is a relatively new initiative from Google started in 20 II . Dr. Stewart said ECCC plans to have Google Indoor Maps ready tor implcme'ltatJon by the fall 20 I 3semester. .·
the exact location of a campus fnctlny or classroom at East Central Cornmumty College in Dcc·ttur wtll soon be able access the infomtation \\ ith the use of Googlc, whtch recently released .tn "mdoor navigation tool'' as part of us Google Mobile Maps. Specifically designed for Androtd martphone and tablet
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