Kevin Ryals·selected ECCC humanities instructor of year East Central Community
the love of preserving the past that my grand– mother instilled in me. A final reason is
Central at the annual Lamplighter Conference. which honors out– standing community and junior college instructors. in 2008. Ryals received the Bachelor of An~ Degree in Communication Management from Mississippi State University in 1990 and the Master of Science Degree in Speech Communication from the Uni,crsity of Southern l\.11ssissippi in 1992. He 1s married to the former Shonna Harvey of Kosciusko. \\ho i~ an English teacher at Ko'>ciusio High School and also <.cr\c\ a<. an adjunct instructor at ECCC. They have a 15-year-<>ld son. Peyton, who attends Kosciu,ko High School. The Ryal\ are member~ of First Bapti!,t Church, Louisville. where he ~oerves as a deacon and Sunday school teacher. Kevin, Shonna and Peyton have traveled the last three summers to Jimbe. Peru. to do mission work and teach English classes.
College in Decatur recently announced Kevin Ryals of Louisville as the College's 2012 Mis.'>issippi Humanities Council Teacher of the Year selection. Eac.:h year. the Mississippi Humanities Council honors one facult) member from each of the state'!> community colleges and four-year colleges and univcrsi– tic~. rn n.>cognition of his selection. Ryals pre~med a program titled "A Legacy of leaching: Through the Generations" on ~1onday. Oct 15. in Vickers Filll! Ans Center Auditonum. Durmg his prc~ntation. he Will discuss the nch legacy of teaching through the eyes of three di ffcrcnt teachers whose live\> span from ll{79 to the present. "'There arc several reasons I chose my topic,'' Ryab ~aid. "One is because of the impact many teachers have had on my life. Another reason is hccausc of . .
because of the desire l ha\e to be a positive influ..:ncc on my ~tudents."
Kevin Ryals
Ryah. \\ ho teache!> oral com– munications. joined the ECCC faculty 111 2()().l and pre\ tow.Jy served II years as a retirement planning specialist. In addition to his teaching duties. he has ~rvc.d as co-advi– sor for Student~ Against Destructive Decisions. He wal. selected HEADWAE (Higher Education Apprcdation Day: Working for Academic Excellence) ln!>tructor of the Year in 2007 and rcprc\cntcd Fast
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