WEEK OF Sr !)\ emrx r ·.!{) .2012 I ,
Supervisors receive invite to ECCC event By Joseph McCain The Winston County Jour– nal
District 4. He explained that the Sims Road proj– ect was in the final cleanup stages in Dis– trict 5.Kemp noted that the Bevill Hill projeCt in District was working on and hoped to wrap up quickly. He added that two other projects in Dis– trict 3, BethEden project and Yellow Creek Road project were out for bid with bid opens upcom– ing. • Discussed the roofre– pair at the Teters Build– ing with ECCC president Stewart since ECCC Workforce Training classes are also hosted in parts of the building. • Approved and dis– cussed Sixteen Section Property leases. Supervi– sor Luke Parkes ques– tioned how t he school district can use Weir,MS as a comparable for value on leases in Win– ston County. Peterson recused himselffrom the discussion and vote. • Peterson requested that removing computer items from the mainte– nance contract be exam– ined quickly before next payment. The county may be able to save up to $20,000 by removing un– necessary items from the contract. Approved the monthly expense sum– mary. • Acknowledge agree– ment with City of Louisville to collect school taxes and motor vehicle taxes. Discussed work being done to collect old fines in the Justice Court. • Discussed start of - Absentee balloting for November election and last day to register to vote is Oct. 6. The circuit clerk's office willbe open until 7 p.m. all week to
The Winston County Board of Supervisors made fairly quick work of the short agenda in the Oct. 1 meeting. Board President Michael Peterson in ad– dition to covering the agenda also gave oppol·– tunities to several citi– zens to address the board on matters of concern. 'W e feel like we work for all the folks," noted Peterson as he offered the floor to new East Central Community Col– lege President Dr. Billy Stewart. Stewart re– minded the supervisors that the college would have a big announce– ment0ct.9. "Believe it to be one of the biggest announce– ments in ECCC history," said Stewart. The board also re– viewed and approved the Circuit Court Grand Jury report which had a large docket for the court calendar. The grand jury handled 121 reported vi– olations and returned 100 true bills with five matters receiving a no bills or indictments and nine remanded to a lower court and seven sent back for further in– vestigation. In other business, the supervisors: • Approved of Sept. 17 and Sept. 27 minutes. • Had Homestead re– instated for two resi– dents. • Approved $800 for indexing system for board minutes on the computer system. • Listened to an up– date from County Engi– neer Jinlnly lCemp. lCemp reviewed ongoing road projects in the rnuntv KPmn not.:>~
Supes get last minute register– ing voters and will be open Oct. 6 until noon. • Discussed the redis– tricting of county lines that will be implemented when the county is re– moved from the litiga– tion by the NAACP in the state. The county plan has received ap– proval from the Depart– ment of Justice and has filed to be removed from the lawsuit. The new county lines are suppose to go in affect for 2014.
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• Discussed tornado preparedness day drill on Oct. 24 by Winston County EMA. • Discussed with Tax Assessor Larry Woodard acknowledge hold on car tags and mobile home deliquent taxes. The Tax office filed 203 tax liens this year. •Acknowledge receipt of DUI grant for the Winston County Sheriffs office. The next regular meet– ing is set for Oct. 15.
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