ECCC bandpresentS 'AndLet There Be Rock
From school reports
The 2012 version of the J•;tt.St Central Community Col– lt>ge Wall 0 ' SoundMarching Band continues to wow (•r·owds with its httlftime presentation of "And Let There Be Rock," a show fir·st– vear ECCC Director· of Bands Hunter Corhern said "repre– sents a style of music from the 1970s called jazz fusion, featuring jazz rhythms and horn lines with rock back– gr ounds.·· Selections include "Open Up Wide" by the Bill Chase Band, "Getaway" and "Sep-
Ed Glrllng
Hunter Corhem
tember" from Earth, Wind, sippi Hugh O'Brien Youth and Fire; "Jungle Boogie" by (HOBY) Leadership Seminar Kool and the Gang, ''2G or 6 since 2009. to 4" by Chicago and "Lady" He is married to the former by Styx. , Leah Vincent of Brandon and '"And Let There Be Rock, ·they have an infant ~-;on, features several or our band Nicholas. members and sections, cspe- Ed Girllng is beginning hi" cially the Centralottes and third year as assistant band percussion," said Corhern. director al ECCC and has "I hope everyone will come more than 30 years experi– out and support our Warriors once in music education. this season and cheer them He is past president of the on with the Wall 0' Sound." East Central Mississippi In his first year at the helm Band Directors' Association. of the Wall 0' Sound, past president of the Missis– Corhern takes over a tradi- sippi Pri\·ate School Band Di– tion-ricb program begun by rectors' Association and is Thomas W. Carson, who re- the founder and former direc– cen,Uy retired after 30 years tor of the Scott County Honor at ECCC to continue his bat- Band. Uo ugamsi cancer. He is a graduate of Pass 'Tln upprc<'intivc of the op- Christian High School and portunlly J'w ht•t•n f,.riV('Il to holds tlw haehelor <1nd mas– wm;k with tlw Wull 0 ' Sound kt•'s of llllll1i1: l'chwalion IlP– I f:Jul,., \\tlh '1' <'111 11111 J!l'l't'S lm111 D••lla Stnlt•
Ser\'ing his second year as t"irler insh·uclor is Calvin Grilfin of Carthage Ht~ is a graduate of Cat·thu.gc High School and is the son of Calvin and .Jennifer Davis. Wall 0' Sound Band mem– bers in~ludc H.avcn Bane, Tiffany Hen:-;on, Ht•ather Bradley, Tanya Burnside, Lucas Calvert, Denzel Ulemons, Lauren Daniels, Chad Dorman, Samantha Farley. Katie I•'edrick, Knyla Greer, Whitnc~ ,Jenkins. ,Jonathan Keen, Sam Lovorn. Chris Lvons. Eden ~tcGce. Megban' McPherson. Zach Peden, Joshua Richardson, Jermainc Russell. Austin Savell, ,Jason Savell, Dalton Sellers, Charles Taylor, Adriun 'l'ut·kcr. Katherine Utwhun·h, .Jonu tlwn Want>n, Bt·nndon Warl'ic·k, I lillnry WillitiiiiS 1111!1 Lt:Riin Young, Con~.v Burt on I'} iPlt.-;ltlt Evans, %}'ron .Jones and Damien Lt•wis, ShyAnna Bell,
Justi(~·. Mutlhew Mason, 'l'ori Melm\is, Beth Price, Ashley Swcu!·ingen, Mallory Wilkm:– son, Nathnn Williams Lor– raina Burkes, Kelsey Cox, Emill't' Uox, Leslie Graham and Ryan McClendon, William Milner, Samson Pace, Bmmca Palt·ick, Tho– moz Smith. Abigail Buitrago, .Jade Castillo, Chauncey Gr:ir– fin, Kitra Beth .Johnson, Olo– riana:Latham, Sharde Mnvs, ' .. .Jose J>t•reira. .Maria Todd, Aver)-: War·d, Shawn Wind bam, ,Jacob Emmons, lluslll Fishel·. Matthew Gt·:duun Kasc)-1 Lognn and Briamu Parkman, lluntt•r lkook and Hob Parker, Katie Hullc1 and Danette llurris, Couot· Bell, J\1attic Bl'lloks, Aulivul Cook, l~milv Grunt•, Dt~si irl <..:mwf,~t·d, · C111l)' .Jenkin Knyln l.• nWt'(•nce, ~1111'1111 ,\1dlnttit~l. 1\nAin MeQuc,~u .h~ssieu i\lnol'l', Tlwlnn Itt·<•\ c•s, Mnt)'IUIIIII Hii!I'R, 'l'lll'll('l' SlC\'I'IlH, Nil'!\ Willi
,Jacob King, Danielle Shelley, Bronson Henderson, Sandy Alexander, Ben Avera. Jon' Marie Baucum, Hannah Berryhill. Brooke Boyd, Ash– ley Bozeman, Katie Bradley, Michael Buntyn, Robin Coker, ,Jeremy Dade, Bran– don Davis, Samantha Elling'– burg, Hannah Farmer, Kristen Felton, Bo Foster, ,Julien Gillis, Tyler Gilmore, Taylor Gressett, Livi Harr·i– son, Colton Hurst, Emily Ja– come-Cluff. Sarah LaBue, Melissa Manues. Amanda Packer; Ryan Packer, .Magcn Pierce, Caitlyn Sant, Jayobn– nie Slaughter, Chandler Smith. Jeremiah Chapman. Sharnaine Jones, Jasmine Pickens••Javossiya Walker. Karn Miller, ,Jarnt'y Tunc, .h:ssie Armstrong, I lnnnnh Calle, (it•OJ'{,rill l>o111~1·, Cinrl'l h Prhkill, 'l'arra Gihson 11 nd l 'out·tncv Mad;.t'Y Adrit'llt' Aldm·so~. Einm~L· Burton, Gortney Drummond, Tboma"
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