Pinter joins ECCC staff
1996, a bachelor 's degree in nur s ing from the Univer s ity of Missis– sippi School o! Nursing in Jackson in 1998, and
South Central Public Health Leaders hip Institute at Tu– lane University in New Or– leans and at the Public Health Nurse Academy in Jackson. She was recently accepted into the Nursing Education/Nursing Adminis– tration PhD Program at William Carey Univer sity. She is married to Patrick Pinter and they have two sons, Payton, five; and Parker, three.
From school reports
Melanie Cleveland Pinter of Philadelphia was selected an Associate Degree Nurs– ing instructor at East Cen– tral Community College in Decatur. Pinter, who began her new duties Aug. 10, previ– ously served as the Col– lege's Dual Emollment Practical Nursing instruc– tor, a posilion held since 200 . Prior to joining tbe ECCC staff, Pinter erved as chief nur e for District VI of the Mississippi State Depart– ment ofHealth. She is also a former maternaVchild– healtblfamily planning coor– dinator with the Mississippi State Department of Health in Meridian. In addition, she previously served as a dial– ysis charge nurse for tbe Central Dialysis Unit of For– est and was earlier em– ployed as a charge nurse/staff nur se for Leake Memorial F;x:tended Care in Carthage.
a master's degree in nursing from William Carey College in Ha ttiesburg in 2010. She has completed addi– tional coursework at the
She is a 1994 honor grad- uate of Forest High School, where she was selected to the Hall of Fame and re- ·· ceived numerous other bon- .·..·· __., .. ,,. ors.
/. . •'
Pinter received an associ– ate's degree from ECCC in
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