1 WEEK OF ____ ~--~~~L--
Dr. Billy Stewart, good start SUMMARY: If good first •
Dr. Billy Stewart, not William, Will or even Bill, newly installed president at East Central Community College, made his frrst appearance before the Leake County Board of Supervisors early this month. He appeared to have set a truly good tone in the process. It was his first trip to the board, making that onerous annual petition for funds from the county, armed with dry statistics and anecdotes concerning local students. What transpired was an upbeat presentation on behalf of his new school, what its mission is and what its mission could become. An optimistic offering of the history was followed with early suggestions of more the school can do for and in Leake County. Admitting he knew too little about the school to promote too many specifics, he nonetheless served notice he would be keeping an eye on all the details, even to the appearance of the mail box in front of the presidential home. Unhappy with the way it appeared and the potentially bland
first impression it made on visitors at ECCC, Dr. Stewart said he ordered it removed and opted to get a post office box for personal mail. He came to ECCC with a strong resume with community college service and experience at Mississippi Gulf Coast and Copiah-Lincoln, plus high school teaching and administration. His achievements could have filled a catalog, but ultimately that's all paper– work; what the vast majority of ECCC alumni and local officials needed to see was the man. Leake County supervisors got to see the man and appeared to have come away much impressed. They will get more opportunity to learn about him first hand; Dr. Stewart told officials he would be back for future board meetings to observe local officials in action and see what are the local issues, with an eye to how they affect his school and-or how the school might assist. Dr. Stewart, hired from outside the ECCC fold, may be just the tonic East Central, or any other institution of higher learning, could want. EWP
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College's new president has hit the ground running.
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