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·. MWe are all about making the registration process as efficient and simple as possible," said Dr. Lee. MAnd as indicated from the survey results, we arc providing such a service." To further assist students with their educational goals, East Cen– tral offers an affordable educa– tion. Tuition is now set at $940 per semester, which is considered an educational bargain compared to four-year colleges and universi– ties and most community col– leges. In addition to providing the lowest fees possible, East Central continues to provide various forms offinancial assistance for students of all ages. As an addi– tional incentive for nontraditional students to enroll in classes, EC offers the first course "free of charge" to those who qualify. East Central also makes every effort to provide the very best in campus facilities to further enhance the learning environ– ment The most recent addition to
- ·-- the can1pus is the Davis Science Building, a $4.1 million facility that includes stat~f-the-art labo– ratories for science students. Renovation of Cross Hall- where science classes will continue to be hclO- will soon be under way with plans to complete the $3 mil– lion project in the summer of 2013. Dr. Stewart said EC remains committed to providing the very best educational experience for students of all ages. "It is our sincere hope that attending ECCC will provide stu– dents with quality learning expe– riences as well as a lifetime of fond memories and newfriend– ships," he stated. "We are com– mitted to making the college experience both memorable and enjoyable, and we trust that stu– dents' success at ECCC will pave the way to a more rewarding future." For more information, contact Student Services, 601-635-6205 or call toll free, 877-462-3222, ext 205. The e-mail address is rlee@eccc.edu. Q w z 0 - .... - (J :i U) C) z &&.. z c( 0 0 c( :z:: ~ 1- c t- - - cr.: cr.: cr.: n
East Central has held three orientation sessions this summer for new and transfer students planning to enroll in fall classes. which beginThursday, August 16. Afourth orientation/registra– tion session is scheduled Friday, August3. "We encourage students who plan to attend fall classes and have not registered for classes to attend the August3 session," said Dr. Lee. "Classes are filling up quickly." EC's orientation/ registration process is also recognized for excellence, as indicated by results of student evaluations. Nearly perfect marks were provided for the following cate– gories: (1) Assistance provided by the College staff; (2) The atti~ tude of the College staff; (3) The accuracy of summer orientation information students received before attending orientation; (4) The registration procedure; (5) Advisor interaction and schedule making; and (6) Admissions office procedures (entering schedule into computer).
includes a highly regarded music department and competi– tive athletic teams. "East Central provides a com– prehensive college experience so students will have many occa– sions to participate in numerous college clubs, organizations and activities designed to assist them with personal growth and devel– opment," said Dr. Stewart "We encourage students to become involved in campus life through participation in many of these wonderful opportunities." Enrollment reached a record 3,223 students last fall and all indications point to another high enrollment, according to Dr. Ran– dall E. Lee, Vice President for Student Services. "Our numbers for enrollment are very similar to those of last year at this time." said Dr. Lee, whose office coordinates the Col– lege's recruiting efforts. "So we do expect to surpass last year's record."
in providing an education to stu– dents from "17 to 70" who enroll in adult basic education and
GED-preparation classes offered free of charge in
Decatur and at various locations throughout the College's five– county district. The College now hosts two GED Graduation Cer– emonies to recognize an increasing number of students who earn their high school equivalency diplomas. Workforce development con– tinues to be an important part of the College's mission. Work- . force training is recognition of the fact that learning does not stop with the awarding of a . diploma. East Central continues to be recognized as one of the state's top community and junior colleges in providing workforce training. Dr. Stewart said EC also prides itself in offering the very
best in extracurricular pro– grams and activities, which
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