Ryals hired at ECCC Laura Ryals was recently selected Assistant Dean of Admission,
Records and Re– search at East Central Commu– nity College in Decatur. Ryals, a Decatur resident, previ– ously served as an Admissions Assistant IT at Mississippi State University. in
Starkville, a post she held from December 2008 to September 2011. She served the previous three years as an Office Assistant at MSU. A2004 graduate of Newton County High School, Ryals received an Associate of Applied Science degree in Drafting and Design Technology from ECCC in May 2006. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administra-– tion ln RiskManagement, Insurance and Flnan– cial Planning fromMSU in December 2008. In addition, she has completed continuing edu– cation courses in Office Systems Technology at East Mississippi Community College's Mayhew campus. She is married to Chris Ryals, ECCC Drafting and DesignTechnology instructor. They have an infant daughter, Alyssa Cate Ryals.
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