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ECCC hands out awards
Recipients of Hall of Fame and other honors were recognized during the annual Awards Day program held May 3, at East Central Community College in Decatur. Those receiving spe– cial awards were Shelby Powell of Meridian, Richard Fisher Organic Chemistry; Judson Bounds of Newton, S. Le– brun Hutchison; Ben– jamin Prestage of Carthage, freshman mathematics and Mar - · gar et Mosal fot· Leader– ship awards; Tyler Reeves of Decatur, sopho– mor e mathematics; Dorothy Chapman of Lake, co-recipient of .Mis-
sissippi Business Educa– tion Association awar d; Christina Nollie of Carthage, co-recipient of Mississippi Business Edu– cation Association and re– cipient of The Tom-Tom awards; Bobbi Schwebel of Philadelphia, Myrtle R. Hutchison Elementary Education; Allison Perry of Philadelphia, Alyne. Simmons Recruitment Grant; Nikki Cumber land of Lena and Tyler Reeves of Decatur, Roy Pete Awards for Soccer ; An– drew Hanna of Union, secondary education; and Kelsey Tadlock of De– catur, L ucille Wood Schol– arship.
Alumni Memorial Awards were presented to Nikki Cumberland of Decatur, Arno Vincent Award for Academic Ex– cellence in Athletics; Miguel Megrano ofGonza– les, La.. BillyWayne Bau– cum Sc<~ondary Educalion Award; Meg'Rn Dollar of Union, Huth Carr-Vincent Award for Academic Excellence in Nontraditional Educntion; Tarr& Gibson of Bailey, Opal McMullan Dickerson Elementary Edu<·ation; Ashley Moore of Carthage, Alatha Chaney English; Jarries Cumber– land of Union, W. A. Coursey, ,Jr., Engineering: Dustin Cullen of
Carthage, .J?!innyRay Kil– lens Engineering: Cindy Burnsideof Decatur, Sara Carr _ Deaton Business Technology; Kyle Henson of Weir, Sue Yarbrough Fulgham Speech; Shelby Powell of Meridian, 1 Jack B. Mayo Phi Theta Kappa; Freder– ick Davis of Jackson, WilliamS. Giffin Men's In– tramural; Truitt Kilgore of Philadelphia, Homer F. Hunter A"'1ird for Athletic Managers: Tate Rogers of Louis\ille; Andrew F. Webb FQot\)all; .Jackson Therrien of Newton, Howard Se$sums Men's Basketball; InessaA.dams of Horn Lake, Earline \Vood Women's Basket-
ball; and Rachel Sharp ef Sturgis, Dr. Edwin ~1iller Me
rial; Ashley Moore of Carthage and.' Raychal Reed of ~uisville, co-re– cipients of the Ruth Hull Wo-He-Lo award; Tyler Gilmore of Unibn. J . Andy Miller l u - -· (!) z LL Z ~ 0 0 <( :X: ..... ~ 0 ..... > " - a.: :::> - a.: <( w Q. w u z rn :! u w ~ ~ w Q. a. <(
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