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ECCC announces tuition increase A slight increase in tuition July 13; and Friday, Aug. 3.
Dr. Sutphin said aU other fees at the College will remain the same for the 2012-13 school year. New and transfer students planning to attend EC th!s fall have four orientation sessions from which to choose: Saturday, June 2: Friday, June 22; Friday,
was recently approved for stu– dent!. planning to attend fall classes at East Central Community College in Decatur. The ECCC Board of Trustees approved a five percent tuition hike at its May 8, 2012, meeting. Thition is now set at $940 per semester, compared to the cur– rent rate of $895 per semester. The new rate is expected to generate approximately $200,000 a year, according to retiring ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin, who said the addi– tional revenue is needed due to a decreat;e in state appropriations the past several years and the increasing costs to operate the two-year college, which experi– enced a record enrollment of 3,223 students last fall. "East Central has not adjust– ed tuition and fees since 2009. while inflation and state budget cuts or level funding have reduced our ability to cover the costs of providing educational opportunities for our students," said Dr. Sutphin. "As much as we have resisted increases in the p Fall classes begin Thursday, Aug. 16. For more information. con– tact Student Services, 601-635- 6205 or call toll free, 877-462- 3222, ext. 205. The e-mail address is rlee@eccc.edu. APPEAREu ..... NESHOBADEMOCRAT __ ~---- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES - --– WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CARTHAGINIAN ------------------ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON------– MERIDIAN STAR ------------------ CLARION-LEDGER------
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