'l~homas - selected-Acaa·emic Instructor of the Year at ECCC
"AB a nurse educator, I assist in preparing our
Phi, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor So– ciety of Nursing, Missis– sippi Nurses Association, American Nurses Association, University of Southern Mississippi Alumni As– sociation, East Central Community College Alumni Association and the East Central Com– munity College Faculty Association. Thomas is married to Sergeant Major John Thomas and they have two children: Alex, a: sophomore at East Cen-
Louisville Group Homes-Hudspeth Cen– ter of Louisville. She began her nursing ca– reer in 1996 withMagna Home Health of Philadelphia. "I have enjoyed all of my nursing opportuni– ties. Since becoming a registe1·ed nurse 15 years ago, I have worked in areas of home health and mental health. Since 2007, as a family nurse practitioner I have experience in areas of pediatrics, hospice and education. I enjoy working with patien ts and students," she added.
I n addition to her as– sociate's degree from East Central, Thomas holds the bachelor and master's degrees in nursing from the Uni– versity of Southern Mis– sissippi. She will complete the Mississippi Community College Leadership Academy in Jackson in May 2012. She was awarded the Excellence Award from the National Institute for Staff and Organiza– tional Development (NISOD) this year. She is a member of the Pulmonary Hyperten– sion Association, Honor Society of Phi Kappa
From press reports
Denita Thomas of future nurses to be Noxapater was recently knowledgeable, caring s<>lected "Academic In- and professional," she structor of the Year" at said. "It is motivational East Central Commu- to assist students in mty College, where she learning new informa– has been employed as tion that helps open an A.Bsociate Degree their minds and expand Nursing instructor since their knowledge base to 2008 and was recently prepare them to care for named Dean of Health- others. I enjoy being a care Education effective part of the team of in– July 1, 2012. structors at ECCC that Upon her selection, helps prepare students Thomas said, '1 am hon- to achieve their educa– ored to be named tiona! goals, which also ECCC's Instructor of the helps our communi– Year. As a graduate of tites." the College's first Asso- In addition to serving ciate Degree Nursing as an instructor at Program in 1996, it is ECCC, Thomas works with great pride that my as a family nw·se practi– path in life has lead me tioner with QualityHos– to return as an instruc- pice in Philadelphia. tor in this out standing Prior to her employment program at My EC!" . at the College, she Thomas has served in served as a nurse practi– various capacities as an tioner with Neshoba Pe– ADN instructor, includ- diatric Medical Clinic in ing teaching in the Philadelphia and
Thomas tral, and Adam, a 5th grader at Winston Acad– emy.
classroom, supervising students in the hopital setting, assisting stu- dents with learning in the skills lab, advising students, serving as co- ordinator for the LPN to RN Bridge program and coordinating and teach- ing students in the sim- ulation lab. Her family has been t he most influential on her career as she said they have always been encouraging and sup– portive. And it's assist– i ng Htudents as they lt•a •·n that keeps her movtJVaterl.
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