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www.merldlanstar.com ECCC' s Dr. Betsy Mann selected top nursing school administrator special to The Star
DECATUR- Dr. Betsy Mann, dean of healthcare education at East Central Community College in Decatur, was named Nursing School Administrator of the Year at the Seventh Annual Nightingale Aw~rds Gala held recently at the Jackson Marriott. Sponsored by the Mississippi Nurses Association and the Missis· sippi Nurses Foundation, the black· tie event highlights the achieve– ments of out~ tanding nurses throughout the state who con– tribute significantly to the nursing profession, as well as those who support the work of nursing in a vital way. Mann was recognized as "a mentor, role model. encourager and a true example of a nursing administrator." The award also cites Dr. Mann "for her dedication to the success of East Central Community Col· lege's healtbcare program." Mann, who has led the college's hcalthcare program since 2007, aid she is "very appreciative" of the award but more importantly he appreciates the recognition of ECCC's healthcare programs, which include associate degree nursing, practical nursing, surgical technology and EMT-Paramedic Technology. "We have an outstanding health· care faculty at East Central," said Mann, who served five years as associate degree nursing program · :.tructor pnor to beginning her nure as dean of healthcare educa· J. tion. "Our goal has always been to C maintain the highest quality school o~ nur~ing program and produce N well-trained nurses...and thanks to our instructors we feel that goal is met each year." S Mann also serve!' on numerous committees on the national and M statewide levels and currently serves as a gubernatorial appointee on the Mississippi Board of Nursing as a Nurse Educator.
Dr Betsy Mann (right}, dean of Healthcare Education at East Central Community College in Decatur, receives the 2012 School of Nursing Admmistrator of the Year award from Donna Pritchard, chief nurse executive and service line administrator for medicine at North Mississippi Medical Center. The award was presented at the recent Nightingale Awards Gala, which recognizes the achievements of the outstanding nurses throughout the state who contribute significantly to the nurs1ng profession, as well as those who support the work of nursing in a vital way.
She is married to Dr. John Mann and they reside in Philadelphia. In addition to Mann's award, ECCC's School of Nursing was
"On behalf of all our colleagues and the MCCB, we extend heartfelt congratulations to East Central
Community College for repre- nominated for top honors and asso- senting our system so well," West ciate degree nursing instructor said. Denita Thomas of Noxapater Individuals and institutions for received a nomination for Nursing the annual Nightingale awards are Faculty Member of the Year. nominated by their peers and col- Thomas, who joined the ECCC leagues. Nominations arc then faculty in 2008. was recently reviewed by a distinguished panel selected to succeed Mann as dean of out-of-state judges, all of whom of healthcare education, effective have an experienced background July 1. Mann earlier announced her in nursing or the healthcare resignation to return to school and .. industry. More than 100 nurses become a nurse practitioner. across the state were nominated in "'The recognition by peers and 18 award categories for the 2012 colleagues that comes with competition. Nightingale Award nomination is Marshall Ramsey, two-time considered a significant accom- Pulitzer Prize finali st, nationally plishment and acknowledgement of syndicated editorial cartooni~t for success," said Dr. Debra West, The Clarion-Ledger and host of executive director for pwograms ''The Marshall Ramsey Show," and accountability for the Missis· served as emcee for this year's sippi Community College Board. event.
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