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Pounrey scholarship established atECCC A scholarship in mem– ory of former head foot– ball coach Ken Pouncey was recently established at East Central Com- m u n i t Y from College in school Decatur. reports Pouncey led the Wan·ior football program for 15 years and served one year as an assistant coach during his tenure from 1966 tc 1982. The scholarshiJ: description notec Pouncey's "passion" fot working with players on the football field, and hi€ "interaction" with stu· dents in his physical edu· cation cla ses. He aJ o mentored anc encouraged his children athlete . and tudents "t< be the mo t they coulc be: After a s uccessfu coaching career, Pounce: :,erved ae superintendeD of the Newton Count: School District and wa instrumental in consoli dating the schools o Beulah Hubbarc Decatur. and Hickory.
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The scholarship is des– ignated for an ECCC sophomore education major with a minimum 3.0 grade point average and a resident of the College's five-county district. Recipients will selected by the ECCC Scholarship Committee.
llc also served a u rintcndent of th Enterprise Schoc Di trict until his retirE ment in 2001. The Coach Ke: b• · awarded once the endow ment fund reaches tht · $10,000 mark. Contribu tions may be madE payable to the ECCC Foundation, Inc., and sent to Dr. Stacey Hollingsworth, executive director for foundation and alumni t•elations, P.O. Box 129, Decatur, MS 39327. Pouncey Scholarship will
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