The ongoing theme for the ECCC baseball pro– gram is "Everything Counts," which repre– sents "the importance of having a complete pro– gram on and off the field" said Holliman. 'We also stress the importance of day-to-day responsibilities that .go hand-in-hand With achieving our 'maximum potential' as a team," he added. 'We cannot pre– dict injuries, perform– ances and unexpected events, but one thing we can make sure of is our attitude and work ethic, and both of these have a direct influence on us achieving our 'maximum potential' for each sea– son." Holliman said the team "slogan" for the 2012 campaign is ''Never Let Good Enough Be Good Enough," which was submitted by fresh– man catcher David McAdory of Louisville and selected following a team vote of all entries for the annual contest among players.
Humphries (6-3, 200), who is also serving as a team captain, saw lim– ited action in 2011 due to a sophomore-domi– nated pitching staff. ''He was also still recovering from arm surgery out of big~ school, hut hasp~ gressed nicely and will provide quB;~ty.innin~s this season, sa1d Holli- man. Wells (6-2, 172) also made brief appearances on the mound in 2011 but will play a major role as a sophomore. Holliman mentioned several freshmen who showed promise during fall workouts, including middle infielder/out– fielder TimAnderson (6- 1, 171) ofHillcrest (Al~.) High School m Tuscaloosa; infielder Kalik May (6-2, 195) of Tuscaloosa County HS; catcher/outfielder David McAdory (5-10, 190) of Louisville: right-handed pitchers Fernado Gonza– lez (6-2, 165) of Pue~to Rico and Bake DubuiS– son (6-4, 180) of Long Beach; outfielder/second
'We have been suffer– ing from some injuries early...but every team has obstacles to over– come...and so this is just an obstacle we will fight to overcome," said Holli– man. 'We won't l'>e full strength opening day (Saturday, Feb. 11) but to be what we are capa– ble of being and achieve our maximum potential, we must be a team that is resilient and one that continues to improve throughout the course of the year and continues to get healthier as the " season progresses. When asked what he liked most about this year's Diamond War– riors, Holliman ~d one word to descnbe the d " har te " squa : c ac r. ''I feel this squad has the highest character of any team I have been as– sociated with," Holliman said. 'We have some tremendous young men from some tremendous families, and we are reaping the b~~efits of having the pnvilege to be around them on a daily basis. Our team grade point average from the fall - which was a 3.34- is an indica– tion of the type student– athlete we have on the squad." Holliman said team strengths will be the of– fense - when the squad is healthy and the lineup is complete - and overall speed. He said the Dia– mond Warriors have the potential to be a "very solid" defensive club... "but we are not at that point as of yet...we still have some work to do." He noted the pitching
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