____ ...---~---=-· Rotary receives update Fromstaffreports
nel in the st udent serv– ices area. Lee servedfour years at ECCC prior to joining the EMCC ad– ministrative staff in 2000. Lee is also a longtime member of the military and will observe 33 years of service with the U.S. Army in October 2010. He was deployed to the Middle East in support of Operations Iraqi Free– dom and Enduring Free– dom in 2008. After serving as Assistant Chiefof Stafffor Person– nel overseas, he now serves as Command and Control Chieffor a Med– ical Support Training Battalion.
1 at ECCC. This focus on academics is the reason
olina. Lee began his employ– ment at ECCC in 1994 as academic counselor. He was named acting dean of students in Au– gust 1996 and officially assumed the post in Oc– tober of that year. Enrollment reached 2,228 during his tenure and included a 16 per– cent increase during a one-year period, the largest in school history. He also managed and ex– ecuted a retention pro– gram that resulted in the largest percentage of fulltime freshmen (79 percent) returning for their sophomore year. The enrollment and re– tention increases also led to an increase of person-
Dr. Randall Lee, Vice the university has plans President For Student for upcoming construe– Services at East Central tion and renovations Community College, up- plans especially for sci– dated the Louisville Ro- ence departments and tary Club on the other areas. progress of the college Lee is also a former and its goals. vice president for stu- Lee, an ECCC gradu- dent affairs at Three ate, noted Winston Rivers Community Col– County played a major lege in Poplar Bluff, Mis– role at ECCC since over souri, where he served 42 percent of its in dis- from 2002-2006. trict students come from His administrative ex- Winston County. perience also includes a "Winston Countians stint as district dean of have a great relationship academics at East Mis– with ECCC," said Lee. sissippi Community Col- Lee noted that student lege in Scooba, from enrollment at ECCC con- 2000-2002. tinued to grow and In addition, he is also a reached over 3220 last · former adjunct psychol– year. ogy instructor for the ''We were one of the University of Maryland three community col- in Europe, Maryland, leges to have an increase and also taught psychol– in enrollment last year," ogy courses at Fayet– said Lee. teville Technical Lee explained the in- Community College in crease in enrollment was Fayetteville, North Car–
He is an honor gradu– ate of Beulah Hubbard on ECCC
due to the affordable tu- ition and the quality ed- ucation. "Our tuition is $895 lfov oornootnr," said Lee. Our students tend to succeed well at the uni– versity level."
High School, East Cen– tral Junior College and the University of South– ern Mississippi, where he received bachelor and master's degrees. He is currently pursuing a doc– toral degree from USM. Lee and his wife Michelle, have two chil~ dren. The Rotary Club of Louisville meets each
He added that since ECCC offered the same core classes and training as the university for the first two years that the ECCC experience was a 'EAL good deal for parents and
Lee Wednesday at noon at Community College. Lake Tiak O'Khata. In- terested parties should COUNTY JOURNAL speak to a Rotarian about attending. The LEDGER Jan~ry 11 meeting of
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students. . While athletics has an unportant place at ECCC, Lee noted that academics were number
Rotary will host Neil Holliman, Head Baseball Coach at East Central
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