ECCC, EMCC split rivalry contests Two longtime rivals battled on
of West Lauderdale. eight: Bobby Wrench of Columbus. seven: Keivondre Watford ofTuc;caloosn Central, six: Akeem Toppin of Columbus. four: Jamcrc Eichelberger of Louisville and Walter Evans of Hanicsburg. three each: and TeJmunon Leather.vood of Northridge (Ala.) H•gh School,two. Jarckious Bradley poured 10 28 pomts to lead the Lions. \\ho improved to 5-1. Ea\t Mi~)i-.sippt held a 41 -28 advantage at the half. EC squads close out 2012 competition by traveling to orthwest Mm1ssipp1 Community College Saturday. December 8 Game time~ are I and 3 p.m. on the Senatobia cam– pus.
Tynesia Mickens of Noxubee County. 10: Niya Hughe of Forest. mne; Xzandra Dowd of Neville (La.) Htgh School. li\ie: and Reneisha Evan~ of Newton County. four. Dowd Jed in rebounds with 12. Nockeyia Qualls talJied 10 points 10 lead the Lady Lions. who fell to 1-9. EC trailed 18-17 at the break. ln the men\ contest, Hakcem Wesley blistered the backboards with 30 points but hh effort~ fell short as the Warriors remain win– less after 10 game-. under ~v enth-year head coach Maurice Bowie. Wesley is a 6· sophomore guard and product of Newton County High School. Other EC point makers were Aqu11I Baynard of cl~tk (Texas) High School. nine: Chri, Rhoney
the basketball court Thursday night m Decatur and each ream claimed a victory. In the first matchup, Ea)t Centml Community College\ Lady Wamors rallied from a slim halftime deficit and held on for a 49-41 dectsion over the East Mis~issippi Community Cotlegc women. EC'sWarriors were not as for– tunate as their second half rally fell ~hort in an 82-72 setback to the Ea~t MJ\stssippt Lion~. Jaianah Matthew pumped in 21 points to lead the Lady Warriors. who improved to 4--6 overall under fiN-year head coach Crandal Porter. Mallhew ts a 5-8 ~phomorc guard and product of Arkansas High School in Texarl .· .· .·· .. · I ,•:.· .· .. \\. . ••• .r" - . N~SHOBA·DEMOCRAT l APPEARED IN: CARTHAGINIAN . .. ------------------ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL I SCOTTCOUNTY. TIMES ------ VWNSTONCOUNTYJOURNAL --- CLARION-LeDGER ---~---- ------- SPIRIT'OF MORTON ----------------- MERIDIAN STAR ------- .·
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