Portertias been busy learning· as much Il' po~~jbk regarding hi~ nl!w challenge. "I ha\c bcl!n·call it~£ a lot of JX:opk. ju;,t to get thdr view-, on things.'' he NJid. "Of course I will make my own decision~. nut I ju~t wanted IP talk to some pcopk \l.ho ha,·c some experi– ence.'' .Poner satd he plan~ for h1" Lady \\'amors to play a htgh-energy. IIJHernpo ~tyll'. \1. hich might h.~ a challl'ngl.' in the l'arly going~ due to mjuries "We h:u.l 15 players to begin with. then on'e 'lntJl\krretl and a wuple of Nber.' dn:i
Ready to begin a successful 2012-13 campaign are the above members of the East Central Community College men's basketball team. Seated from left are manager LaRomeo McKee, a product of Scott Central High School; guards TeJiminon Leatherwood (3) of Northridge (Ala.) High School, HakeemWesley (14) of Newton County and Chris Rhoney (11) of West Lauderdale; forwards Walter Evans (15) of Hattiesburg and Demarcus Clayton (20) of Bay Springs; guards Jamere Eichelberger (22) of Louisville and Jakaris Coleman (31) of Forest Hill; and manager Michael Taylor of Hattiesburg. Standing from left are assistant coach Devarus "Scooter'' Walker; manager Michael McCullum, Bay Springs; forwards BobbyWrench (21) of Columbus, Tyler Anderson (25) of Carver Military Academy in Chicago, Vodrick Lucious (34) of Tuscaloosa County, Aquill Baynard (23) of Elsik High School, Houston, Texas; Akeem Toppin (10) of Columbus and Keivondre Watford (32) of Tuscaloosa County; manager Rosco Spires of Forest Hill and head coach Maurice Bowie. The Warriors begin home action Monday, Nov. 12, when they battle Holmes Community College at 8 p.m. in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building on the Decatur campus. (EC Photo)
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