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East Central CC .schQlarships established in memory, honor of Rush Hospital officials SPECIALTO THETIMES
years. In addition, he served on the American Hospital Association Board and was Chairman of the Regional Polity Board, which represented a six-state area in the southeastern region. lle was also a Board mem- ber for the Ameri- can Heart Association.
The Wallace Strickland Rush Health Systems Endowed Scholarship was established "in honor and recogni– tion" of the longtime hospital adminis– trator and ECCC alumnus who began his employment with Rush in 1970. His positions of leadership include Coordinator of Special Projects, Data ProcessingManager, Assistant Admin– istrator Administrator and Vice Presi– dent of Operations'Rush Health S) s– tems, Inc.. Executive Vice PresidenuChief Operating Oflicer of both Rush Foundation and Rush IIealth Systems, and President CEO of RtL<;h Health Systems. The Strickland scholarship pro– vides two annual awards of $500 each to deserving district students who are pursing degrees in hcalthcare educa– tion at ECCC. Recipients of the Harrison and StriciJand scholarships will be select– ed b> the ECCC Scholarship Commit– tee. The East Central Community Col– lege district includes Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Scott and Wmston counties. For more information, call 601- 635-2111 or call toll free, 877-462- 3222, ext. 375.
Scholarships honoring the late Rush HospitalAdministrator Dan Har– rison and current Rush Health System President/CEO Wallace Strickland were recently established b> the New– ton Communit) Health foundation and Rush Health S) stems for qualified students attending East Central Com– munit) College in Decatur. The Dan Harrison Rush HeaJth S}stems Endo,,ed Scholarship honors the Scott Count) nathe and ECCC alunmus ''for his dedicated sen ice to the delivel) of quality hcalthcare.'' Harrison served 25 vcars in several positions with Ruc;h Health Systems until his untimel) death in 2006. His career in healthcare ranged from staff registered nurse to executive vtce pres– ident ofRush Health S}stems. Harrison \Vas also involved in vari– ous community endeavors, including the State Games of Mississippi, where he served on the Board ofDirectors. He was a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives and served as Chairman of the Mississippi Hospital Association Board of Direc– tors as well as a Board member for six
-'"-~-'--- Dan Harrison
A graduate of Scott Central High School, Harrison received an Associ– ate Degree in Science trom ECCC, an Associate Degree in Nursing from Meridian Communit) College, a Bachelor of Business Administration from the t.:niversit} ofMississippi and a Masters of Business Administration from Mississippi College. He was married to the fonner Frankie Usry of Forest. They had three sons, Daniel, Denver and Davis. The Harrison scholarship provides two annuaJ awards of $500 each to assist deserving district students who are pursuing a degree in healthcare education a1 ECCC.
SPIRIT OF MORTON --------------------- MERIDIAN STAR - --- ---
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