I_ - " ECce· teams start slow, but expect good things
coach Bowie is hoping such succce11 continues in 2011-12. , The East Central men finished fourth in the MACJC South Divts11111 with a 13-10 record and advanced to state and regional tournaments onl)' to be turned back by eventual Regwu 23 Tournament champion East M~r: sissippi Community College in firHL round action of both events. With the success of last year st1l;l fresh in his mind, Bowie said he •i
es. As of Nov. 18, both squads were 0- 7 with games against Gulf Coast, Jones and Itawamba slated for this week from Dec. 1 to Dec. 6. Bowie expects more success After leading last year's squad to a winning record and post-season play for the first time during his five– year tenure, East Central Communi– ty College men's head basketball
Basketball season hasn't exactly rot en ofT to n fatit start for East Cen– ,ral Community College's Warri9rs 'l:l.d Lady Warriors, but there emains plenty of time for things to urn around. Several games into the season, oth squads cotinued to seek their lrst victories, but both men's coach ;iaur1ce Bowie and women's coach 3illy Smith are hopeful the results viii improve as the season progress-
"especially excited" to get the new season started. "We are coming off our first win– ning season and you like to keep that taste in your mouth," said Bowie,. "We are young and must learn from every game and every practice, and continue to get better day to day and week to week."
>- See ECCC on 17
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ful," Smith said. The freshman class "should be a good one" and is led by redshirt Kel– cia Bufkin of Forest, a
Matthew (5 -7) of Arkansas High School in Texarkana, Ark., and Xzan– dra Dowd (5-8) of Neville H igh
School in Monroe, La.; and forwards Ariel Merriweather (5-8) of Tuscaloosa Central (Ala.) High School, Reneisha Evans (5-9) of Decatur and New– ton County HS. Brittu Steph<•ns returns for her second year ns assistant conch. Hhc is also 11 member of thn English I fnculty. HI udtJnt . nRsist unt.s
· 5-3 guard and product of Scott Central High School. "Kelcia will be c·ounted on heavily," commented Smith, "as will Ashlce Hardy, who will nrld some muscle fiw liS inside.'' Hardy is t• [l. HI forward from Nnwt 1111 ·II igh HC"hool Ot.hcr llH'Illhl·r ,. of
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I lu~ I u lt:nl IHdt•ll fe·esh– mun (fnmp 1111 Iucio rtlll· lt~rs J~lltm Bl1wk ((i') ul' Ji'orest, o pl'r)(lllc; l, uJ Scott Cout.·nl lli[:h School, nnd tlnkc ln Jollllflllll ((i'_l of' l.u un11, who hnils fe·om \V(•BI Jonc!t:~ rr igle Sc:huol; guard·. Allit1 J\id') .) 71 SMI'.I'H of Carthage, a JH'oduct of Edi nburg High School; Jaianah
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