WEEK oF Nov~\cex- 21, fl-DII
ECCC's Lady Warriors plan return to winning ways 1be 2010- • season was
ing Coahoma Community Col– lege at 6 p.m. in the Brackeen– Wood Ph) sica I Educatton Building. "We will be very inexperi– enced...w1th only one return– ing starter," said Smith. "We will have to rely on our fresh– qten to really come along quickly." Smith said one word best describe~ the 2011-12 Lady Warriors. "grill)'." "This has been a good group of girls that has worked hard and shown a lot of grit in preparing for the upcommg campaign," said Smith. "This is also a team that hustles and plays hard for 40 nunutes." Smith hopes having the first three games at home will help propel the Lady Warriors to a successful beginning. "Our first three games are at home and we will need to get offto a good slll1t," Smith com– mented. "We need our team to gel early and hopefully get on a winrung track.., The returning starter is a tal· cnted one in Ja'Monica Orton.
a 6' guard and product of Wal– ter F Stebbins High School in Dayton. 'Oh10. Orton averaged 15.6 pomts per game and was one of the few freshmen to gar– ner MACJC All-Stare and All– Region 23 honors. Other re turnees include lnessa Adams, a 5-6 guard from Hom Lake High School, and Kurlysha Bell, a 5-LO for– ward from Kosciusko High School. who averaged 5.8 and 4.3 points, respectively. "All three will hopefully provide a leadership role need– ed to be successful," Smith said. The freshman class "should be a good one" and i~ led by redshirt Kelc1a Bufun of For– est, a 5-3 guard and product of Scott Central Htgh SchooL Bntta Stephens returns for her second year as assistant coach. She is also a member of the Engfuh faculty. Student assistants are Pasha Williams, Ashley Lyle and Shakl McLaurin. all of Forest: and Blake Gordon of Philadel– phia.
ob tousl~ a dt.;appomung one for Ea.-,; Ctntral Communi()' College women's head basket– ball coach Bill Smith. It represented the Mt los– ing campaign (8-15) for Smith, v.ho enters his seventh season leadmg the Lady Warrior pro– gram. After barely mtssing po\t-season competition his first }Cat at the helm in 2008- 09 (13-ll). he led the next four squads to state and regional berth\. The 2007-08 Lady War– rior, captured the Region 23 Tournament utle and advanced to the NJCAA Tournament en route to a 22-8 record. South. '' ho sports an over– all 93-64 record as Lady War– rior head coach. said the goal for this team 1s same as It ts each year: have a winning sea– son and return to the MACJC State and Regton 23 tourna– ments. Howe\er. success will depend on u mostly freshman squad The first test for the }oung Lad) Warriors was a Tuesday, No\ . I. matchup against visit-
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