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means a lot to me. I want fans to judge us by our hearts ... not ow· stature." This year's squad does not include what Bowie labels as "name" players. ''V•le don't have players that everybody knows and are considered top play– ers in the state," be stated. "But what we do have is a collaborative good team that plays together and works hard for one anoth– er. I don't have to stand over them to get them to do a task." Bowie said Jimmie Broomfield, a 6-foot-1, 200-pound guard, is the only returning starter. Also seeing playing time during2010·11 were guards Thomas Straughter (5-10, 200) of Jackson Callaway and Glenn Thomas (5-11, 189) of Loyd Star. Other sophomores are guards Jackson Therrien (6-0, 180) of Newton County Academy and Jontrae Conley of Meridian. For EC to have another successful season, Bowie said a lot will depend on how well the freshmen respond to conununity col– lege basketball. "We have 10 freshmen on paper but really 12, since two sophomores have not played much either," said Bowie. "So we are going to hang om· hats on defense and real- 1~ get after people." ..
~'e81''s _quad to a win– ning record and post.:. ;;eason play for from the fir~t time school during hic:: five- reports \ear tenure. East Central Community olle!!e men's head bas– ketball coach Maurice Bowie ic:; hoping such succes" continues i,p 2011-12. The EC men finished fourth in the MACJC Soutb Division with a 13- 10 record and advanced to ~tate and regional tournaments only to be turned back by eventual Re~on 23 Tournament champion East Mississ– ippi Community College in firc::t-round action of both e\>ents. "\Ve are coming off our £irst winning sea.son nnd you like to keep tbat taste in your mouth," said Bowie, whose Warriors are off to an 0-5 start in the 2011-12 cam– paign. Bowie baid thi~ year's version of Warriol' bas– ketball involves more than just athletic talent. "I am very pleasedwith my kids ... they have what a lot of players don't have .. and that's heart and character. We've got some great citizens and role models on this year's team. They go out of theirway to be a part of this communi– ty and team. and that
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