ECCC DiamondWarriors preparing for another successful season
th ree home runs, 16 doubles and five triples. He also collect– ed 49 RBis and scored 55 runs. Kortbawi 1s a former standout at Hale Coun– ty (Ala.) High School. He plans to continue his career at the Uni– versity of Alabama– Huntsville. May, a 5-9, 170- pound utility player, missed the 2010 season due to injw-y but was an MACJC All-State selection his freshman season in 2009, when he batted .338 and belt– ed two home runs, a triple and t hree dou– bles. He was also cred– ited with 31 RBis. Top returning hurlers include Colton Mitchell ofLake, Pervis Mann of Carthage and Bobby Bryan of Cros– sett, Ark. Mitchell (6-1, 185) posted an 8-4 record with a 4.47 ERA. He fanned 47 batters through 56 innings. He was a second team MACJCAll-State selec– tion following the 2010 season. Mitchell has signed a national letter of intent to continue his career at Delta State Univer– sity. Ma nn (6-3, 175) went 4-1 on t he mound and posted a 6.50 ERA. He fanned 32 batters in ~~;
p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 9. A nine-inning battle will be followed by a seven-1nrung matchup at the Clark/Gay Base– ball Complex. Top returning s tarters include first baseman Richie Long and catcher/thll·d base– man Charles Hill, both of Carthage; t hud base– man Vincent Kortbawi of Moundville, AL; and catcher/outfielder Jere– my May of Little Rock. Long, a 6-1, 198- pound first baseman/outfielder, led the Diamond Warriors in hitting with a .419 batting average, 14 home runs and 73 RBis. He also collected 17 doubles and scored 51 runs. Long was named to the All– Region 23 and MACJC All-State squads a nd was selected EC's most valuable offensive play– er. He also earned NJ CAA Division II Player of the Week honors following his performance during a four-game stretch in March, when he posted a . 700 batting aver age w1th one home run and tHx RBls He a lso Hcored five runs. l .onK recently signed
From press reports
After winning run– ner-up honors in the MACJC State Baseball Tournament and fin– ishing third in Region 23 competition in 2010, East Central Commu- . nity College's Diamond Warriors have their sigh ts set on another successful campaign. The 2010 squad fin– IShed 39-20 and was ranked as high as lOth in the NJ CAA poll dur– mg season competition. But how the team per– forms this season depends on how well they come toget her as a unit , according to fifth– year head coach Neal Holliman. "Development (of tal– ent) and truly compet– ing on a daily basis will be the keys to our suc– cess in 2011," said Hol– lima n, whose first H(luad captured the MACJC State Baseball (;hampionship. "Our goal for 2011 is the same as it is C'ach y<'a r, and thnt tB to maximize our lcnm'R potent 1al We n I so <'On linuc our efforts lo be recognized as one of the top progr a ms in t ht• nnt1on and to he a con h•ndcr for poRt·fl<'llAOn t~ u cct~fiR on n yNl rly hnt!IH," fllliCI l fulflmnn 1~<'1{11 rd 'nv 1 tlw• y~ McAdoryTapped ~ ECCC Diamond Waniors Louisville High School baseball smndout David McAdory (seated center) is shown signinganation– al letter of intent to continue his career as a Diamond Warrior at East Central Community College In Decatur. McAdory, a 5-10, 170-pound catcher, batted .412 wrth two home runs, a triple and eight doubles in 2010. He received AJ~Divislon honors and was named the Wildcats' most valuable offen– sive player following the successful campaign. Also pictured are (seated from left) Justin Reed, Louisville head baseball coach, and Neal Holliman, ECCC he.'ld baseball season. Also attending McAdory's scholarship si~Jing ceremony included family members (smnding from left) Mrs. Mae McAdory {Vclndmother), Jonathan McAdory (brother) and Kristine and Paul McAdory (parents). The si~Jing ceremony was held Thursday, Jan. 27, 2011, in the Brackeen-Wood Physical Education Building. (EC Photo) pound right -handed p1tcher/outfielder from Soulhaven High School a nd transfer from the Univ<'rsit.y of Southern M ISHIAAippt; nnd B.J. Murt tn, n f) 11, 220- JIIIII IUI t'tlltWr tnfic)der lnu 11 l•'m n ltlllllon , La.; "'" ' ' l'11y lw Pu rkR, 11 5- H, I flf, pound H('('On d IH~ru• tu 111 lrom Mnn- . flhOt~l o•· Ac·mlmnv. nnd ,,. "· ... (/) Moore posted a .:'1~0 batting average antl collected a home r11n, triple and six doubh·~· He was also cretltl ttcl with 18 RBis He has fngnr cl 1 natlonaJ letter of llllt•lll to conti nut' !11~ <'ll rt•tlt nl tlw llntvt> nuty ul North Al11lwmu '" 1~·1" rt•nn• A•uu"f' t.l•• 12 ,-11, 0 3.41 ERA. He fanned 40 batter s in 31.2 innings. Dalton (5-10, 185) went 5-2 with a 4.53 ERA. He s truck out 29 in 49.2 innings. The Winston Acade– my product recently s1gned a national letter of intent with Dc lln Slate Univcrs1ly Alt-~o cx•wct.<'d to ulnv n nu ttona l letter of inl t-nl to <·ontin uc his ra n•c•r ut tlw Umv
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