WEEK OF NoJtM.keq, (o 1 ~ I(
jPage 6-B
Lady Warriors look for better year The 2010-11 season freshman squad.
"We will be very inexperienced ... with only one re\urning starter," said Smith. "We will have to rely on our freshmen to really come along quickly." Smith said one word best describes the 2011- 12 LadyWaiTiors: "grit– ty." "This has been a good group of girls that has worked hard and shown a lot of grit in preparing for the upcoming campaign," said Smith. "This is also a team that hus– tles and plays hard for 40 minutes." Smith hopes having the first three games at home will help pro– pel the Lady Warriors to a successful begin– ning. "Our first three games are at home and we ~wm need to get off to a g·ood start," Smith commented. "We need our team to gel early and hopefully get on a \\inning track." The returning ..;tarter is a talented one in Ja'Monica Orton. a 6-foot guard ·
was ob\iously a disap– pointing one for East C c n t r a 1 from Community school G o l l e g e reports women'::. head b~ketball coach Bill Smith. h represented the fir t losing campaign (8-15) for Smith. who enters his ~eventh sea– son leadin!! the Lady Warrior pro!!ram. After barely missing po,..t- ea-.on competi– Hon hb fir::>t year at the helm in 2008-09 (18-11). he led the next four -.quad... l<1 state and re!!'ional berths. The 2 07-0 Lady \\'anior-. captured the R~on 23 Tournament title and advanced to the .JCAA Tourna– men en route to a 22-8 record ·m \"\ho -.ports an .-e 93-64 record • 'arrior bead coach. smd the g-oal for this team i -.arne as it b each year: have a winnin~ ea....on and return to the L-\C.JC Stale d Remon 23 tournament-... Ho\"\ ever ........ \\ill dc~c~~ - s
· ·· ~ " u AN STAR
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