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ECCC baseball assistant Michael Avalon named MDCC head coach After serving five years as Avalon did for the growth or our West Alabama during the 2006 program and 2005 campaigns. serving as
assistant baseball coach at East Central Community College in Decatur, Michael Avalon IS now in charge of his own program. Avalon was recently selected bead baseball coach at Mississip– pi Delta Community College in Moorhead. ECCC beau baseball coach Neal Holliman hired Coach Avalon when he took over the Diamond Warrior program in 2006. Holliman prai~ his for– mer assistant and said Avalon IS well prepared to be a head coach. "I cannot begin to say what Coach Avalon has meant to East Central baseball and East Central as an institution," srud Holliman "I don't know of anyone on campus that didn't hold Coach Avalon in very high regard including myself. There are not many people you run across in this world tllat are as loyal and willtng to s "He will always be a close pitching coach, recruiter and friend and 1 will alway~ be appre- camp coordinator. His duties also ciative of his efforts. Tllis is a incluqed scouting, field mainte– great opporqmity for Coach nance and preparation, and Avalon and his farruh and I fundraising. know he is ready for this next In addition, he was responsi– step in his career and v. II build a ble for monitonng the academic program that MS Della will be progress of student athletes and proud to call the1 " pro\iding assistance in advising. Avalon, whose main duties at Avalon helped lead the 2005 East Central included serving as Diamond Tigers to the Gulf pitching coach, camp coordina- South Conference championship tor/instructor and recruiter, and a berth in the NCAA Divi– helped the Diamond Wamors sion II South Central Regional capture. the MACJC St.lte Base- before fimshing with a 45-19 ball Championship m ~007. The record. The squad was also rec- 2010 squad tinished state run- ognized as baving one of the top ne~-up with a 3?·20 mark. '11le pitchmg staffs in the conference. 2011 squad finished third in the VWA finished second in total MACJC South Divhion and pitchmg under Avalon's direc– qualiiied for post-season play en tion. route to a 28-20 mark. The 2005 team also achieved Prior to JOining the ECCC a top 25 national ranking a.IJ..se;~ stillfin2006.AVttlon.wnsa~td- !\Oh und was nmkcd ~IS uate assiStant nt ihe Uruversit) of ' See E --- APPEARED IN: / CARTHAGINIAN ----------------- NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL - --- SPIRIT OF MORTON -------------------- MERIDIAN STAR ----------------- NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ------ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ----------- WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL ----- CLARION-LEDGER --------------
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