ECCC sweeps Bears to clinch playoff berth By Marty Stamper Appeal Sports Editor will host Jtawamba (27- singles to drive in three 17) in the other two runs for EC. Vincent series. Kortbawi had a single Charles Hill had a berth, the East Central MACJC State Tourna- double and two RBI. Community College ment, May 12-14. Darmaal Moore had Warrior s closed out their EC 10-9 three singles. Jeremy regular season with a 10- Southwest 3-3 May had a pair of singles 3, 9-3 sweep of South- The Warriors closed -4 and Carlos Leal had a w e s t out their single and two RBI. Mississippi MACJC South reg u I a r EC outhit Southwest Th u rsday Through May 2 s e a s o n 11-5. in Decatur. Div. All with a Cody Dillard had two E C C C Jones 19-5 33-13 sweep of singles for Southwest. · improved Gulf Coast 14-9 21-20 Southwest Ryan Hickman took to 26-18 PeariRiver 13-11 27-18 Thursday theloss. overall and East Central 13-11 26-18 at Decatur. In the second game, 13-11 in the Hinds 9-14 23-18 With the EC padded a 3-1 lead M A C J C Co-Lin 8-16 20-25 two wins, with six runs in the bot- S o u t h Southwest 7-17 23-22 E C C C tom of the fifth inning. Division '-------------~ imp roved Both teams had six hits. with tbe two wins. to 13-11 in the division Kortbawi had two sin- The Warriors were and 26-18 overall gles for EC. Fred scheduled to play Pearl The two wins also Hampton had a three-run River (27-18) in a one- clinched a playoff berth homer in the fourth. game playoff for third for the Warriors. Colton Mitchell got the place on Tuesday. In the opener, the win, striking out nine and The winner will play a Warriol's jumped out to a aUowing two walks and best-of-three series at 10-0 lead over the first two hits in 5 113 innings. Northwest Mississippi three innings and Bobby Willard Bacon closed out (27-16}, while the loser Bryan and .Joel McKee the win with 1 2/3 innings will play a similar series combined on a six-bitter of sroreless relief. at Holmes (27-14). Both to keep the Bears at bay. Josh Bouldin had a series at·e set for Friday- Bryan struck out six single and a triple for Saturday. and allowed two walks Southwest. Jones (33-13) will host and three hits in five Trey Setzer took the East Mississippi (16-27) innings to get the win. loss. and Gulf Coast (21-20) B.J. Martin had two Needing two wins to Each of the four series and a double. be assured of a playoff winners advance to th<'
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