EC drops pair at Jones By Marty Stamper Appeal Sports Editor (lt·opped a pair of games at .Jones (G·:I and 2-1) to fall to 24-18 overall and \\ ith the April UJ split at Decatu1·. With the split. EC's
A 1-:{ shtming in last
11-lJ in the dhision.
record went to 24-1 6 overall and 11-n in the division. Pearl River's went to 24-15 and 10- . Peu 1'1 River escaped an EC ttu·eat in the bot– tnm of the ~e\cnth. then scored five times in the top of the eighth to win the opener. EC had seven hits with Oarmaul Moore. Charles Hill, and Bruee 1\fartin each getting a pair of sin– gles. C-olton Mitf'hell took e loss in relief, allo\\ing four runs (two {'UI'ned) in 1 2/3 innings.
week't> 'fhe Wurrio1·s arc Division basebnU games scheduled to close out drop p e d .-----------. the regular the East MACJC South s e n s o n C e n t r a I today in MAC.JC South
Through April 25
Dlv. 15-5
C o I I e g e Jones
29 . 13 a t:. n 1 n s t 18-18 Southwest 25-16 l\1 i s i s s ·
Warriors GulfCoast 11-7 into fourth Pearl River 11-9 place in the East Central 11-11
24-1 S ippi
I e a g u e Co-lin
The first
8·14 20·21
21-15 round of
7-11 7-13
The top Sou1hwest 20-18 the ~1ACJC four teams '-----------1 state play– from each divi~ion make offs is set forMa) 6-7. EC split with Pearl River. losing 7-2 in the The Warriors and opener beforP ·winning Wildcats both kept their the nightcap 9-a, then po~;tseason hopes ,tlhe EC the state playoffs. Pearl River 7-3 2-9
Continued on 6B... See EC...
EC.. . Continued from 4B...
took the loss. .Jones
EC 3-1 The WarriOI'S fell to 24-18 overall and 11-11 in the South Division v.ith Fridav's losses at Ellisville. In 'the opener, EC took a 2-0 first– inning lead on RBI singies by Charles Hill and B.J. Martin. Jones tied the game at 3-3 in the fourth and scored single runs in the fifth and sixth to come away with the "in. Carlos Leal had two singies to lead EC's offense. · Colton Mitchell took the loss, despite allO\\ingonly two earned runs on seven hits through five innings. Vito Perna got the win for Jones. Perna and Ladd Rhodes both had two singles with Zach Allen getting two RBI. In the second game, J ones scored twice in the bottom of the second to complete the sweep. EC had five hits with Bruce Martin getting a singie and a double. Pervis Mann took the loss. Jones in1proved to 29-13 and 15-5.
James Abraham and Aaron Lee both bad three hits for the Wildcats with Abraham getting a double. Derek Sanders had a singie and a double to drive in three runs. Chase Toussaint had a singie and a solo homer. Jared Bond got the win in 2 1/3 innings of scoreless relief. In the second game, EC scored four runs in the first inning and five in the third to salvage the split. EC had seven bits. Martin had a three-run homer in the first inning and Hill added a grand slam in the third. Hill also had a double. Richie Long had a single and a double. Willard Bacon got the win. striking out seven and walking three in five innings. He allowed five hits. Brock Ward threw two innings of scoreless relief, striking out four. Chase Lewallen and Grac Orman both had two hits for Pearl River "'itb one of Lewallen's being a double. Pearl River starter Robert Marzon i
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