ECCC and Co-Lin split t From press reports East Central split a Bacon
three runs in the fifth and four in the sev– enth to notch the vic– tory. In addition to Long, other EC sluggers were Jeremy May of Newton County and Tyler Brant of Southaven , double and single each; and Martm, Charles Hill of Carthage, Kyle Moore of Southaven and Carlos Leal of Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, singles each. May and Hill were also credited with two RBis each. Right-hander Mitchell Wooten of Edinburg took the loss, allowing four earned runs on three hits in .2/3 inning of work. Starter Pervis Mann of Carthage went 4 2/3 innings and allowed two earned runs on four hits. He also walked four bat– ters. Right-hander Cal Cossich of Ocean Springs pitched one inning and fanned a batter. Right-hander Brock Ward of Louisville hurled 113 inning. The Diamond War– riors host Pearl River Community College Tuesday, April 19 in a key division matchup beginning at 3 p.m. at the Clark/Gay Base– ball Complex. East Central travels to Jones County Junior College Friday, April 22. The division doubleheader gets under way at 2 p.m. on the Ellisville cam– pus. The Diamond War– riors conclude regular season competition by hosting Southwest Mississippi Communi– ty College Wednesday, Apr..l 2- Th fu ,~ of
with Central got
Community Bacon hurled
After rallying for a 7-3 win in the opener, East Central Commu– nity College's base– ball squad was unable to hang on to an early 5-0 advantage and fell 8-7 in the second con– test to spht a double– header w1th Copiah– Lincoln Community College Saturday, April16 in Wesson. EC's t•ecord current– ly stands at 23-15 overall and 10-8 in the MACJC South Divi– sion. The Diamond Warriors are fourth in the division standings behind Jones County (26-12, 12-4), Gulf Coast (16-16, 9-5) and Pearl River (23-13, 9- 7) . Co-Lin is fifth (18- 18, 7-11) followed by Southwest (19-17, 6- 12) and Hinds (19-15, 5-11). Jerrod Myers of Jackson St. Andrews, Richie Long of Carthage and B. J. Martin, a product of Franklinton High School in Mt. Hermon, La., had two each hits to lead the EC offense. Myers belted a triple and a single, and Long and Martin had two singles each. Martin was credited with two RBis, and Myers and Long knocked in a run each and scored once. Fred Hampton of Nanih Waiya con– tnbuted a single and was credited with two RB!s. Southpaw Colton i\litchell of Lake went the distance to get the wm. Mitchell allowed three earned runs on E'lght hits . He also fanned three batters and walked one. In the econd game. E'-C jumped out to a 5- =------ ........ l -– three-run homer tn the third. .. ""'
College in Raymond scorele:-£ Wednesday, April 13, ~~:d 4 -~~~~:p~h~ nightcap by an 8-3 margin. · Vincent Kortbawi
1·n baseball
had a triple and a sin- illowed three hits. He innings in relief an gle t~ lead EC slug- l.lso fanned a batter . allowed th:ree _earne gers m the opener. He md walked one. runs on SlX. hits H also sc~r~d a run. Wooten pitehed two fanned two batte 1 .. Kortbaw1 1s a product t of Hale County High ECCC Ac'cents School in Moundville, Concert Ala. May 3 Other hitters were The Ac'cents East Hill, Hampton and Central Com~umty Darmaal Moor_e of College's show choir, Stone Coun~y, smgles will present their · each. Hill also spring campus concert knocked in EC's lone at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, run. May 3, in Vickers Fine Right-hander Seth Arts Center Auditori- Kidd of Enterprise um on the Decatur took the loss. He campus. The public is pitched 113 inning and invited and admission allowed one earned is free . For more infor- run on one hit. Starter mation on these Bobby Bryan, a south- groups, contact Blay- paw from Crossett lock at 601-636 6226 ox (Ark.) High School, -ooll fr~e~8??-4~ hurled three innings 3222, ext. 225. The e- and a llowed one mail address is vblay- earned run on three loc~eccc.edu.
hits. Right-handers Tyler Dalton of Win- ston Academy, Casey Wells of West Jones and Brock Ward of Louisville also made brief appearances on the mound. In the second game,
EC extended a 1-0 lead by tallying five runs in the sixth and two in the seventh to clinch the victory. Hinds scored its three runs in the seventh. Long a_nd MartinSHOBA DEMOCRAT had two smgles each to lead East Central atOTT COUNTY TIMES the plate. Both were ---- 1 - also credited with an~STON COUNTY JOURNAL V · ~ RBI each. Other hitters were~RION-LEDG ER May, double; and Hill, ------- ------
Brant abd Leal, sin- de" £>"'"'=. Bran~ and -
begins at 3 p .m. at the two runa each.. Ma\ Clark/Gay Baseball and Tanner Noakley ,.... , -~ 1"\,..nn"' Q...,.,...;T\ctO utc:.~o
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