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We!>dn~sday~ O~tober 26,2011


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: :!) Warriors lose defensive battle witlh Co-Lin ~ ishc~l the night by completing 8- of-1·1passes for 90 yards.

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Wide r e<'eiver Alonzo Lewis and they took advantage of the used his 6-foot-4 frame to haul opportunity by S<'oring nine in a 16-yard touchdown pass plays later on a Warrior defense from quat·tcrback from that kept the Co-Lin offense in Chandler Roger s school check most of the night. on fourth-and-14 re orts EC had taken a 6-0 lead early with :U9 t·emaining P in the final stanza of the defen- to provide Copiah-Lincoln sive struggle when quarterback Community College with a stun- Jesse Blakemot·e hooked up ni ng 7-li <·ome-from-behind deci- with wide receiver KeiVondre sion <>Vl'J' East Central Watford on a 42-yard touch– ('omnlunjly College Thursday down play on fourlh-and-7 . night in l><' <'ttluJ·. ~ Jacob Carpenter's PAT attempt With lilt' loss, EC dropped lo was blocked, eventually costing I·, 0\1'1'1111 nnd o-r> in lhe.M.ACJC the Warriors the loss. :-:ionlh l>ivision. l'o-Lin improved The 11-play, 89-yard dt•ive tu ·' ·'I nnd ~· I r epr esented EC's best offensive 'lht~ Wolws begnn lhe game- effort of the night and mar·ked wi nning tl1·iw tll their 0"-'11 22 the fir st lime the Warriors wit h 8:•17 t't:mnining in East entered Co-Lin territory. Ccnlt'III'S honH! finnle. A key A key play dul'ing the ma1·ch piny un the 7S·yurd march was inducted Blakemore's 19-ym·d • h~n~· ~h'Nflii''s :lll·ynrd scamper completion to r eceiver Reggie urr 11 fllkl' punt on rourlh-and-3 Hall, which gave EC possession ft·uul tho Gn· l.iH 22. The 6-foot-2, on its own 43. 281i· pou nth:r ll·om ·Magee gave Blakemore, a produ<'l of 'fhc tlw Wolves new life at the EC 42 Veritas School in Ridgeland, fin-

llnll had three grabs for 27 vards. Watford, \~ho hails from Tun(·aloosa Central, led in rc<·liivin~ yardage with his 42- yard tOU(!hdO"'ll reception. l'.C had six first downs and Co· 1.111 registered 10. Hogers, a Brookhaven A<·utlemy product, completed 14-of ~24 passes for 125 yards. His top receiver was De'Vante fkoll . who had eight receptions for H4 yat·ds. •Jot> I Ouvis or Natchez was the top ~:round gainer wilh 84 yards on PiJ{ht cm·ries. 'l'h<· Warl'iors conclude the 20 I I. ('tunpaign by traveling to divi,.;i on opponent Southwest Mis~issippi Community College 'l'huysdny. 1\it:koff is set for 6:80 p.m. on lhtl \o;;ummit campus. 'fhe Belli'S lost .12-35 to Jones lnt;l. wt•ek to fall to :~-5. w C) 'J u.. z 0::: ex: z 0 ex: ex: I 0 1- 0 w 1- 1-- D- a:: ~ a:: a:: D- ex: w D- w ex: 0 z en ~

Running back La Vadius Lyles (5) of Forest finds a lit– tle open field in a recent game with .Jones County .Junior Colk.~c.

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