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ll'cdnesday. Oetober 5, 2011 rolls to 31-19 win over East Central
for 268 yards and three touehdowns. Anthony had a 36-yard touchdown toss to Adam ~fcWilliams along with 59 and 6-yard scoring passes to Quantnvius Leslie. J abari Raker added a 4-yard tieormg run and Kyle Williams kicked a 2 t -yat·d field goal and three mdra points for the Eagles. EC threatened on the game's first possession after a 54-yard run by Reg~rie Hall had the Warriors in business at the Eagle :!6. but Manley was picked off in the end zone two plays later. The Wa1·riors pulled even at 7-7 early in lbe se<•ond quarter on a :!a-yard pass from LaVadius Lyles lo C01-y Collier..Jacob Carpenter added the extra point. Alter the Eagles pulled out to their 31-7 advantage. EC 1 shman quarterback .Jesse Blakemore fi1·ed a 21-yard touchdown strike to KetVond1·e Watfot·d with 7:41 re-maining and Blakemore scored on a 1-yard sneak with only 18 sec– onds left. Both scores were set up by Eagle turnovers. Bla~ emore. a product of The Veritas School in Ridgeland, com– pleted 5-ot- 2 passes for 32 yards with one inter ception. He had etgbt rushes for as yards. Dennis Thames led EC's gl'otmd
game with 22 carries for 65 ym·ds. Hall had one carry for· 54 yards. Jaabir Stephens bad eight cal'ries for 3~ yards. Collier caught three passes for 31 yards and a touchdown. Hall had three re(•eptions for 25 yards. Defen:sively, the Warriors were led by sophomore linebacker Chris Ficklin \'\itb s( ·en ckles and two assists. Tyrone Williants had six tackles. EC hosts Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College Saturday, Oct. 8, in the annual homecoming bat– tle. 1\lckoff is set for 2 p.m. at Bailey Stadium. The Bulldogs. ranked 12th in the latest NJCAA poll, defeated Pearl River Community College 17 10 Thursday night to impr·ove to 4- 1 overall and 3-0 in the South Division. Gulf Coast has won fom· stra·ght after opening ·with a a4-30 loss at East Mississippi. All w. t·rior· football games can be heard on the ECCC Web site (W\'\"' .eccc.edu) and on the 98.3 (WKOZ-FM). Warrior home con– tests are also streamed live on the College's Web ite. Click on "Warrior-Cast" tu watch all the action, inC'luding thl' naJftime pres– entation of the 2011 homeeoming court.
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