ECCC Warriors Have 'All the Parts' for Successful Season
ofWest Lauderdale and honor– able mention All-American Chris Ficklin ofScon Central; and secondary members Den– nisThames(6'. 188)ofLouis– vJIIc, a transfer from Missis– sippi State University; Jonathan Scott (6-5, 190) of Senbreeze H1gh School m Daytona Beach. H formerly WJlh the University of West Virginia; and Ben Rrooks(S-9, 175) oi"Northeast Lauderdale. Weidman wa~ named to the first team ,\11-Statc andAll-District o;quads. Ficklin led the state m tot;~l tackles \\lth 126 and pl:1cl·d second in the nation. In 1d~htion ti)AJI-Amcrican rec– (lgnition, he wns named All– Heglon 23 and first team MACK' All-State
guys will make a huge 1mpact on our team this year." Moffitt (5-11, 205) receivedAll-State andAll-Star honors in 20 I 0 and is a three– timeAll-Conference selection. "Rob averaged in ex– cess of 42 yards per punt, which IS a great average atany level,"Anderson said. "His av– erage w1ll probably soar since he Will only be puntmg and not playing other positions like he d1d mhighschool " Alford (6',210). was a first teamAll-Conference se– k-ctton last season and received honorable mention honors in 2009. "Dylan had 48 touchbacks last season, which wa.-; a remarkable accomplish– ment," said Anderson. "or course he'll be kicking offfrom the 30 yard line in college (in– stead of the 40), so we don't c:\pcct 90 percent ofhis kicks tu land in the end zone. But lll'Wrtheless he hns agreat foot and will he a tremendous asset li•r nur -;pecialtcams, as will Jtob" Ml·mhcrs nr Coach
Bearcul squad und earnedAll– State honors. Watford prcvwu~ly signed with the Univcr;1ty of Southern Mississ1pp1 and is also a welcomed addition to fhe receiving corps. l-lall 1s n two-t;mc recipient of most valu.1ble player honors Anderson IS also pleased with the off'ensiVe h[le "l~p front oll~n s1vely we arc huge.. h1ggc• thnn what we have been," he s=1ld ''Btggcr doc<; not al\\'ays n better, however .. but w
team All-State and All-District squads. F:icklin led the state m total tacl\les with 126 and placed second in the nation. In add1tion toAll-American rec– ogmtlon, he was namedAll-Re– gion 23 and first team MACJC All-State. ·'Chris is a player," sa1dAnderson""l-iemakes tack– les from sideline t9 ~idelinc." Thames was included in The Clarion-Ledger's Dandy Dozen m 2008 prior to signmg with MSU. Smith's honors include All– State and All-Division. Scott received All Antl'rtcnn honors m high school nnd was also anAll-State selection. He was chosen central Fhuida' top dcfcns1ve hru:.k Ill 2009 Brooks received l11~t lemnAll Stntc and AII·DIWICt honot tmd WilS named Di~trtct Dcfc1 sh·c Back of the Year Retwnccs Jnnnm~ BIOCllllfi•·ld I~· II, I 90) ofS~oll l'tli!lllllltHI h.1 ltcc~l' (6', I~~) ol Mmtnll
Now in his third year as East Central Commu– nity College's head football I?ODCh, Brian Anderson can fi– nally sa:y "hh • Wtu riors will t;ake the field for the 20 I I cam– paign, which begins Thursday, Sept. I, at Northeust Missis– ~ippi Commumt}'. College in Booneville. Anderson, who JOined the ECCC .sta IT in 2008 a!; offensive coordinator, was named interim head coach the following season and "offi– cially'' took over the program prior to the 20 I 0 campaign. A former successful coach on the high school level, Anderson said improvement has been made each season, as theWarriors weremnked among the top offenstve nnd defensive ~qua~s m th<' stute and 1Ut1on. "Huch year hn'l heen lt1 of n butlding process," .Andct llon CXJll.llltcd "l1us is 1111lrflt yc:lt' hOVIIIB 100 JWI• Ill nf uunc:cruil~ 011 the team, hldtlll;lk!'1 tlli> IICoi~OII Vci Y IIll f1H 111 \V,
"Reggie and Corey can be dangerous," saidAnder– son...Re-ggie is a slot guy who can run and make plays. And Corey is a tough, physical re– ceiver.'' A I so expected to see action at receiver nre returnees Dconte' Harper (5-8, 165) of Morton; and Zach Pendleton (6·3, 185) of Forest H11l, and freshmen GregTimmons (6-3. 208) of Eisenhower High School in Houston, TX; Lavadius Lyles (5-8, 180) and Cameron Stowers (6-2, 194), both of Forest; KciVondre Watford' (6-4. 220) of Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Central Hlgh School; and Brock Hall (6-3, 200) of Paul W. Bryant High School in Tuscaloosa, A Ia. Timmons, who sat out the 20 I 0 campaign, was rated the tnp receiver inTexas in 2009. The same year he was named tn the l'aradc Ali-Arncricnn, ll.S. AII-Amcnc:m nud 'l'cxn~ AII·Sintc squads. lnltlldatwn he tcccived All·Silltc .md A II Di~trict honor11 for 2007. 200 llll '2009 :1
Althoueh 111e 'W~~r nors hrwc "stntrbll~:nlly" bceu successful em <•ffcnsc ami de· fense, Ander.;on said ''incon– sistent" specialt~:ams- along w1th turnovers and mjunes led to back-to-back 2-7 cam– paigns. The Warnors were winless in the MACJC South Division in 2009 but 1mproved to 2-4 last season.
'We've not hnd u punter hke Roh or n ktcker hkc Dylan since I've been here," said Anderson. "These two guys wi II make a huge impact on our team this year." Motliu (5·11, 205) receivedAll-State andA11-Star
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Anderson also con– siders Lyles the top running back as preseasonworkout-; get underway. "Lavndius 1s a linle further along (at running back) than anyone else right now,"
"We've not had play– ers ofthat si:t.e and statue since I' ve been here," saidAndei')On In addition to the defen~1vc
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