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The Carthaginian, Carthage, Miss., September 8, 2011 7~
Mistakes ·costly to ECCC in opening los~ impressive numbers in his debut as the Warrior sig– nal caller, completing 17 nf :i2 passes for 210 yards ilncl three touchdowns. I lowever, the former pared to 204 for Northeast. EC had a 17-7 ndvantage in first downs. The Warriors' second advantage. Jimmie Broomfield of Scott Central with 12:35 left before halftime. Carpen ter added the PAT. 'I'hc Tigers added a Lindsey of Baldwyn wi1 12:53 left in the tllil quarter. Now down 33-7, tl
Northeast stretched its lead to 14-0 early in the second quart er when quarterback Bryan Steele ofOlive Branch hooked up with receiver Don te' Barksdale of Southaven on a 65-yard scoring play. East Central cut the lead to 14-7 on its next possession , thanks to a 46-yard TD strike from Manley to receiver
poRscssion of the game n!Rulted in points for Northwest, as a Tiger ii ru!h:lcker scooped up an IW fumble and raced 16 yurds lo pay dirt with 8:53 rt~mnlning in the opening tnn:ill. Taylor Earhart of Olive Branch added the lh'Rt M tour PATS for a 7-0
Warriors rallied for b quick scores in the thi.t stanza to get within 1 points of the host Tigers . Broomfield fmishe with four receptions for 7 yards. The Warriors hof Thursda Kil'kofr is set for 6:30 p.n \.L.. <( ~ :::> 0 t- Nort hw(•st
safety and a field goal in the final moments of the fir~t half to extend their lead 1 to 26-7. 'J'hi rd period action began with Northeast find mg tht~ end zmw em a 14-•lurcl fumhlt· rot urn fro,;i ddtmt-~ iw h;u·k DtJVin '
s l t ndout from Pittsburgh l'fuxns) High School alsu tlllt'W three interception~ . 'l'lw Warrior offenst~ IIllo lost possession on fivt~ e1f' acvt n fumbles. ' J'h<" Warrior offenstl fllllll8bt~tl 321 yards com-
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