CCC Now in his third year as East. Central Community College's head football coach, BriEu1 Anderson can finally sny "his" Warriors Will take tho li(•ld for the 2011 cam– paign, which begins 'fhursdny, Sept. 1, at Northeast Mississippi Community College in Booncv~lJc. Anderson, who joined the ECCC ~tnff in 2008 as offen– sive coordinator, was named interim head coach th~ follow– ing Elcmton and "officially" tonk over the pro{,,rram prior to the 2010 cumpaign. A filTinor succcHsful .coach on tho high school level, Anderson snid ·improvement hns lx:qn mode each season, lUI the WurriorR were ranked among 'tho t()p otrensivc and d(•ffmsivtl squnds in the ntate nnd nut;iou .
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s I "Each year has been part a. building process," Anderson explained. "This is our first year- having 100 per– cent of our recruits on the team, which makes this sea– son very special for us. We're going to be young, however, with a lot of first-year playerS - transfers as well as fresh– men - and several returning sophomores. So we are going to have a good mix of talent on-the squa~which I think is important for.'success." Although the Warriors have "statistical1y" been suc– cessful on offense · and defense, Anderson said "inconsistent" special teams - along with turnovers and injuries - led to back-to-hack 2-7 campaigns. The Warriors were winless in the MACJC South Division in 2009 but improved to 2-4last season. of
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The Wnrrior oOmmc wo led last year hy fruohmnn Blake Mathornfl, 'who com· pleted 122 of 220 llfl!WCH for 1,652 yards nnd nl1i 2010. He aver yards per conlfl High School in Nmv Ol'lonns, is continuing hiRc:Hf('f'l' t1t Mnry
"Statistically, we have been very competitive on both sides of the ball," said Anderson, referring to the success of the 2010 squad, which finished fourth in total offense and second in total
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