ECCC ·looking for good ly Daniel Rigdon lngaon@themeridlanstar.com WARRIORS AT A GLANCE
and defensive side of the ball ECCC ranked fourth in total offense and second in total defense in the MACJC and in tbe top 20 nationally. · However. East Central still stum– bled to a 2-7 record despite being close in almost every contest Costly turnovers and a sub-par special team5 unit plagued the Warriors throughout the season. That is something that Anderson has spent a lot of time rectifying during recruiting and summer prac– tices. ''We weren't consistent in special teams last year, 11 added Anderson. 'The thing that excites me about this year's team is that when you play well both offensively and defensively you give yourself a chance to win. When you can't do it in the kicking game you are going to come up short in a lot of games. We've got a good punter this year, as good as any in the league in Rob Moffett and our kicker Dylan
2010 record: 2-7 2010 finish: Lost 20-15 to Southwest Mississippi in regu– lar season finale Head coach: Brian Anderson (second year, 2-7) League: MACJC South Division
Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 8 Oct 15 Oct 20 Oct 27
East Central Community College 1ead coach Brian Anderson is excit– ~ about what is to come lor his ootball team this season. And why ;houldn't he be with 2011 marking he first time the third-year coach 1as had a team made up of entirely lis own recruits. Anderson WdS tabbed as the nterin1 head coach in 2009 before 1aving the interim tag remO\'ed last (ear. 11 I tblnk that it's important to us because it's our first 'fear as a staff going through an entire r• ·rruiting season from start to finish. said Anderson. "Every player we have is one that this staff has recruited. I think we. were able to get not only good players, but good people. I think our character has improved. I think these guys are going to gel. 11 In 2010. the Warrior.> enjoyed great succes.:; on both the offensive
2010 results
Northeast Mississippi Northwest Mississippi
26-41 1.!-21 13-44 :37-35 16-42 2·~-14
ltawamba Pearl River
2011 schedule
at Northeast Northwest at ltawamba
Sept. 1 Sept. 8 Sept 15
Mississippi Gulf Coas1
Jones County
Alford, we are pleased with. They are better than good at both of those positions so we are excited about special teams. "Absolutely turnovers were a big factor in how we fared last year That is a big thing we had to address. Thaes a mental thing and a taking care of the football thing. I think we have a quarterback tlu-.
Copiah-Lincoln Southwest Misslss:oo;
Paula MerrftVThe Meridian Star ::ast Central :)ommunity College run– ning back Brandon Willis. a for– mer Philadelphia star, eyes running room last season.
Last 10 years
2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001
~-5 2-i 3-6
10-year record: 3&59
Hardin Bayi'\,. Manley was a pre– season All-&:1··: selection hl5 senior year in Texas. Manley will look to returning wideouts Reggie Hall and Corey Collier to be hh biS&est targets through the air. HaD will a!~ , han– dle kickoff and punt return duties. See ECCC on pa~e 36
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