ECCC signs scholarships with several area football players
ECCC Continued from page 7A
Gray, both of Tunica Academy; linebacker Courtney Mitchell , Oak Grove: quarterback Mitch Manley, Pittsburg (Tex.); offen– sive linemen Paul Kuinnan and Remund Jockson illld def~:nsive lineman Vod Luetous, all of Thscaloosa County (Ala.); line– backer Austin Conn and defen– sive enc.l/tight end Zack Conn, borh of Mize; wrde recerver Cameron Stowe, Forest, defen– sive back Tim Oster, Ocean Spnngs;; wtde receiver Kcivon– dre Watford, Tuscaloosa Central (Ala.); wide re<·eiver/defensive backJoshMontgomery, ddensive back Za Reese and linebacker Larnn Kincaid, all of Morton; defensive back; bn.. backers John– ny Kight, ZackVandevender and defensive back/wide receiver Dominique Carter, of all Nanih Waiya; defensive lilieman Maha Bradford, defenshc back Joe Brown and offen.,ive lineman Shaquille Patrick, au of Scott Central: and defenSive lineman Parker Jones and punter Rob Moffitt, both of \Vinstoo Acade– my. East Central's Warriors begin the 2011 campaign by traveling to Northeast Mississrppi Commum– ty CollegeThursday, Sept. 1
Union'sForzetraEaly signed as a running back and Dylan Alford of Leake Academy inked as a kicker. In all, the Warriors signed 47 high school seniors on National Signing Day last Wednesday. '1'his was our first full recruit– ing season here at East Central and I'm very pleased with th~ resuJts," said the second-year head coach Brian Anderson. "We not only focused our efforts on football players but good people and good families. I cannot emphasize character enough as we try to build a program here at East Central Community Col– lege. We (coaches and players) are very hungry for 'Warrior Football' to be a winner." Also joining the Warriors in 2011 are quarterback Shelby Moseley of Southeast Laud– erdale; running back Jabir
By STEVE SWOGETINSKY Sports Editor The 2011 East Central Com– munity College football teamwill have some familiar faces on its 2011 roster. Five members of the Neshoba Centrct.l Rockets have signed to play for the Warriors as have two PhiladelphiaTornadoes, one from Union and one fromLeakeAcad– emy. Those players from Neshoba Central who signed with East Central were defensive lineman Jacob Gilbert, offensive lineman Dustin Thbby, running backMar– tin Wilson, and defensive backs Terrance Steele and Dillan War– ren. Philadelphia's Jeremy Mor– gan signed as a linebacker and Bobby Boler signed as a end.
Stephens and linebacker Trey Wynn, both of Tuscaloosa Hill– crest (Ala.); defensive back Ben Brooks, Northeast Lauderdale· running back Terrance DenttY and offensive lineman Park Stevens, both of New Hope; Brock Hall and defensive line– man Josh Martin, both of Thscaloosa Bryant (Ala.); lin~ backer Joey Hamilton, Thscaloosa Northridge (Ala.); linebacker Taros White, defen– sive lineman LaKenneth Weid– man and wide receiver/defensive back Demetri Sheppard, all of South Lecike; offensive lineman Alexander Lee, Newton County; offensive lineman Brandon Mil– ner, Pillow Academy (Green– wood); Wide receiver/defensive back Steven Gray and running back/defensive back Freeman See ECCC, page 10A
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