Mitchell picks up win at ECCC Warrior baseball in full swing Wooten pitched the final ed a 5-4 decision and the inning an? fanned a batter. Warriors cruised by a 7-2 Wooten IS a product of margin. Lake High School.
not as fortunate and fell 9-0 to the Lady Wolves.
East Central hosted divi– sion foe Co-Lin Communi– ty College (13-7, 2-2) Tues– day, March 22. ECCC faJis at Gulf Coast In games held Wednes– day, March 16, the Dia– mond Warriors dropped a pair of contests to Missis– sippi GulfCoast Cooununi– ty College in Perkinston. The Bulldogs won the opener l-0 on Nick Boggs' walk-off homer in the eighth inning and held on for an 11-10 dedsion in the
Warriors winning their MACJC All-Star Basketball respective singles matches Games Set March 28 at included Zac White of Union, who blanked C. ECCC . Macumber, 6-0, 6-0; Jason The state's top sopho– Loris of Moss Point, over more WCO basketball H. Herrington, 6-3, 6-0; pla~ers will have an oppor– Matt Griffin of Union over tunity to showcase their tal– M. Parkman, 7-5. 4-6, I-0 ents when the annual {11-9); Walt Stinson of MACJC All-Star Basket– Philadelphia over B. ball Games are held Moo– Williams, 6-3, 6-2; and day, March 28, at East Ceo– Josh Blackburn ofMorton tral Community College in over J. Lyon, 3-6, 6-4, 1-0 Decatur. (10-7). One match was for- Women's action begins feited. at 5 p.m. and will be fol–
DECATUR- East Cen– tral Community College's Diamond Warriors grabbed a pair of wins over nation– ally ranked Hinds Commu– nity College Saturday at the Clark/Gay Baseball Com– plex in Decatur. Vmcent Kortbawi belted a two-run homer in the fourth inning and gave East Central the lead for good in an 8-3 victory in the open– er, and Kortbawi doubled and singled and drove in four Diamond Warriors in a 1 0-0 shutout in the nightcap to complete the sweep. He also scored twice. With the wins, East Cen– tral improved to 13-9 over– all and 2-2 in the MACJC South Division. Hinds, ranked 11th in the latest NJCAA Division II poll, fell to 14-6 and 1-3. Co/Jon MitcheO of Lake picked up the win for East Central, allowing five hits and two earned runs through six innings. Mitchell, a southpaw, also fanned two batters and walked one. Right-hander Mjtchell
lowed by the men's contest at 7 p.m. in the Brackeen– Wood Physical Education Building. Admission is $5.
ECCCWarrior NettersClip
In the second contest. Co-Un the Diamond Warriors scored six runs in the sixth J?e ~ Central.Com– inning to take a 9-7 lead but ~uruty 0 ~e men s ten- Gulf C ded · With victory over the Co iah- 0 ~ respon
DIS team registered a 54 ECCC Softb II Sq dS a ua plits
four runs m the bottom of Lincoln Community PCol- Decisions at Co-Un the frame to complete the lege Woh.es March 3 in
East Central Community ColJege's softball team
Warriors winning their began MACJC South Divi– respective singles matches sion competition by split– included Matt Griffin of ting a doubleheader Union, who defeated M Wednesday, March 2 at Hart, 6-4, 7-5, (8-6); Walt Copiah-L~coln Communi– Stinson of Neshoba Cen- ty College m Wesson. tral, a 6-3, 6-1 winner over The Lady Diamond War– J. McLeod; and Josh riors took the opener by a Blackburn ofMorton, who 3-1 decision and fell 5-4 in beat C. Haley, 7-5, 6-2. extra innings in the night- The Lady Warriors were cap.
ECCC netters sweep Holmes
East Central Community College's tennis teams recorded victories over Holmes Community Col– lege Thursday, March 10 on the Goodman campus. The Lady Warriors post-
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