WEEK OF Novt.~ 1'::>, 'Zpq
WEDNESDAY. 'Q\,f,\!:RD ~\ W Sutphin retiring as CC leader
'SUaMintO TO 1M 11MES
DrCAlUR - Or. Phil A. Sutrhin informed the Fast Central Conununity CoUcg~ Board of Trustees '1\tcs Sutphtn College has ~ienced over its histot)'. I thank each of) ou.. the Board. the facult). stall, students~ alumni for allo in~~ the opportunit) to sei\:e o\'et the last QlWtet of a ~twy at a place as special as EC."' Dr. Jimmy Hollingsworth, interim Board of Trustees Chai:r-– man, expressed apprecia– tion to Dr. Su.tphin for his service to EC and \\ished him well in his retirement. The Board reluctanth accepted his resitpation. - APPEARED IN: NESHOBA DEMOCRAT ----- SCOTT COUNTY TIMES _ __;./_ _ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL _ _ CLARION-LEDGER------ CARTHAGINIAN ------ - NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL ___ SPIRIT OF MORTON-------– MERIDIAN STAR-------
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