_. <( z a::: Randy HOuser to headline 'Army of To 'event Music recording artist and Newton Border Patrol, Cotton Row, event. 1
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Benefit Ftmd, which has been established at 'rhc Citizens Bank of Philadelphia, to help defray the cost of med– ical and other expenses involved in Carson's treatments. Those \vho are not able to attend the concert can make dona– tions directly to the account at any Citizens Bank location·. Carson, who has led the ECCC Band Department for 30 years and also serves as Chairman of the Division of Fine Arts, was recent– ly diagnosed with esophageal cancer and is currently taking chemotherapy and radia– tion tt·eatments. EC alumnus and for– mer Collegian membCI' Grant Morris and Vkki Blaylock, ECCC music k e y b o a r d instructor/ehoir dire<"tot·, organized the musicnl
paths with him. We want- "Orant <·ailed me and ed to do this for him asked my thoughts flbout because he has given so a benefit on eampus and mu(~h to others-to my I ah't•ady had the Rume child, lo other students thing on my mind W~ and lo this community. I began to put our heads can't remember a time logethc,r and got things ., he has said no to any– stlu·ted and then we just one." ran with it," Blayloek Morris added, "Each said. "It's brcn the most of these bands has at rewa•·ding thing I've evct• least one former done in my life. In the :30 Collegian member partic– yeat·s Tom has been ipating. They were all director of bands at East very exeited about being Central. thousands or abl~ to participate and students have crossed help "Mr. Ca1·son."
County native Randy Houser will headline a benefit concert for East Central Community College Director of Bands Thomas W. Cal'son Saturday, November 12, at the Neshoba County Coliseum in Philadelphia. Houser, known for his hits "Anything Goes" and "Boots On," is a member of the East Central Community . College Class or 1997 and is a former vocalist for the Collegians, ECCC's rock-n-roll band, which is led by Carson. Concert events begin at 4 p.m. and include per– formances by local bands Remedy, Rico and the
Deluxe Southern Impala. Houser con– cludes the show with the 9 p.m. feature performance. Tickets are $25 each, eash or check only, and the entry fee includes aJI five local bands as well as Houser. Tickets will be available for purchase beginning October 11 at all Citizens Bank of Philadelphia loca– tions in the ECCe district, which includes Leake, Neshoba, Newton, Srott and Wmston counties. Tickets will also be avail– able a.t Mississippi Music in Meridian and in the
ECCC Office of Public Information, located on the bottom floor of Huff Auditorium on the Decatur campus. All proceeds will go to the Army of Torn
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