WEEK OF Ocl-obu: Uo. I 'Loll
Page 9 October 19, 2011 Brady to Present ECCC Humanities Program Nov. 3
Art instructor Chns– topher Brady is Past Central ::ommuruty College's 20 II re– ;:ipicnt ofthc Mississippi Hu– manities Council Teacher Award. announced ECCC Prc~1dent Dr Phil A Sutphm. In rccogmhon ofthe honor. Brady will present a Sj)e\:131 program. ''Amazed and AmusedD1scuss1on ofArt and Lit\:," at 7 p.m. Thursda}, "lov. 3 in the Vickers FineArts C en– ter auditorium. The public is im itcd and there is no charge for admisswn. Dr Sutphin ,,jll serve as master ofceremonies for the annual event Brady said his pre– sentation will focu'> on his art and teaching. The utle rellects the two detinmg features ofhis work and hm\ he seeks tomam– tam and sho\\Casc h1s "sensi! ofwonderment and humor." lit: also plans to sho\\ selected slides and dis– cuss the stones. influences and struggles that influence the pro– cc.;s of his art making. Brady JOmed the ECCC faculty inAugust2008 after pre' 10u~ly servmg as an adJunct 111~tructor of art at Hinds Commuruty College in Ra)mond a'1d Belhaven Uni– versity in Jackson. In add1t10n to his teaching duties on the Decatur us..Brad) ~en es as pon– sor of the I 1 CC ')tudem Art Association Brady received a bachelor's degree from Missis– Sippi College. \\here he sef\cd as editor ofthcAmm.head and president ofSigmaTau Delta. He earned both a m:tster's de– gree m art education and a master's in tine arts wlth an emphasis in printmaking from the Univehity ofMi~sissipp1. Wh1leat Ole Miss, he recel\ ed a graduate a~sistantship and honor', feiiO\\:,hlp He was also presented the Graduate
Chris Brady
StudentAchievementAward in Art and was named Outstand– ing Art Student ofthe Year. In addition to his academic achievement<;, Brady has d1splayed his artwork through various venues. He has held 14 one-person shows. and his work has been selected into dozens ofregional and national JUned exhibitiOns, where he was awarded numerous Bestof Show and purchase awards. His 280-foot long print was featured m the 2009 Guinness Book of World Records as the world's longest "oodblock print. He IS sought after for commtssions and his \\Ork hangs in public, corpo– rate and private collections around Mississippi and the South. Brady and his wife. LeAnm: restde mRidgeland. ECCC s Theta X1 Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the mtemational honor society for two-year colleges, will host a reception in the Fine Arts Center lobby following Brady's presentation. The special recogni– tion was made possible through a grant from the Mississippi Humamties Council. For more information. contact Chns Brady at ECCC, 60J - 635-6229 or e-mail, hradyra eccc.edu.
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