Harrison is EC Alumna of the Year if 21 zv 11 Nicole Flint Harrison, East Central Community College's from her relationships built at her alma mater. "My success thus far
the most influential peo– ple in her life are no longer alive. "My mother and father, unfortunately, are not here to celebrate with me. My mother was the main reason for my success. She did most of the child-rearing in our home. sometimes with some tough love, but always with a lesson to be learned. She let us learn from our mistakes without interfering too much." "My father enabled me to pursue my inter– est. He not only support– ed me financially, but I always knew he was my biggest fan. " "East Central was the best two years of my life!" Harrison said. "I met some lifelong friends and formed such close acquaintances with so many others." "Some of my fondest memories are really of doing nothing at all. Back then, we could have fun just sitting by a bon– fire or going to the truck stop to cat patty melts and French fries with gravy, hence the fresh– man 15!" she said. "We 'room dawgs' would sit for hours just
2011 Alumna of the Year, doesn't measure success by one's status in society or the amount of money one makes. She said success to her is "friendships and memories made in life and how one uses the tal– ents God has given them. According to her, much of her success has come
is very much because of my time spent at East Central Community College," Harrison said. "My time at East Central was pl'iceless. I know, without a doubt, I would not be where I am today had I chosen another col– lege." Harrison will be hon– ored duringHomecoming activities scheduled Saturday, October 8, on the Decatur campus. A member of the ECCC Class of 1992, Harrison is the owner of Nicole Harrison Family Dentistry in Union, ~cb she has operated since 1998. Harrison said, "I am a general dentist in a wonderful town. Everyone knows every– one and there is such a sense of community and love and fellowship. I have a wonderful dental team that includes my mother-in-law Barbara Harrison, Jessica Burns, Kim Watson and Penny Hisaw. They are what make me successful." Receiving this award, Harrison said. is bittersweet, since two of
Dr. Nicole Harrison talking or dealing with guy problems!" she said. "Our best times were spent at 'Bully's Barn,' owned by the parents of a local college student. It was a favorite hangout for many ECCC students during this time." Harrison added, "Without a doubt, the roost important and biggest highlight of East Central was meeting my future husband, Chad (Har'fison, Class of 1992). We met the sum– mer ril!'ht hPfnrP ""hnnl
------ - ..... ... _ ., but we\vcre able to expe– rience some wonderful times together." There were many professors whom Harrison said she admired and respected. The two that stand out most in her mind are retired English instruc– tor Ovid Vickers and
"The other person who was extremely spe– cial to me then, and still is today, is Coach Sammy Pace. I thank him for believing in me and for giving me a second chance to play basketball when I chose not to play my freshman year. He made me and my mother very happy when he let me play my sophomore__ ) ear.- "1 tell all my newly graduating seniors that are deciding on a college how really valuable my time at East ~Pntral was.
I probably would not have received such hon– ors at a larger school, and might not have had the academic grades and background to get into dental school." Harrison attended
who N
Mississippi ..
retired as women's bas– ketball coach and athlet- NTY ic director. "I really enjoyed Mr. ~TOI Vickers' English Literature class. I never ,R
University and received
her degree in dentistry:OUNTY TIMES from the University of
Mississippi Center in 1997.
--- She and her husbandN-LEDGER ------–
liked English, nor did I think I could ever excel at it. He made the class so interesting and chal– lenro,Jll.!."
have two children, Dylan (8) and .Julia (3). They are members of First Baptist Chur'b in Union.
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