Carthage. is currently working toward the Bachelor of Music De– gree in Vocal Perfor mance at MSU. He is 200H ECCC graduate. For more infOJ– mation, contact Len Bob at ECCC, 601 -635-6227 or e-mai llbobo cveccc edu.
Bobo, a com– poser and pianist. joined the ECCC faculty in 2003. A Vicksburg native, Bobo earned the Associate of Arts Degree from Hinds Junior College, the Bach– elor of Music Degree in Organ from Mississippi College and the l\1asters >f Mu ·ic Degree in Or-
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Student enroll– ment has reached an all– time high at East Central Community College in Decatur, according to David Case, Dean of Ad– missions, Records and Research. Case said 3,223 students registered for the 20 11 fall semester, a 7.7 percent increase com– pared to the previous record of 2,992 students wh~ signed up for classes in the 2010 fall term. ECCC President Dr. Phil A. Sutphin said the record enrollment is reflective of the College's mission "of serving students." "East Central continues to grow," said Dr. Sutphin, now in his 12th-year leading the two– year institution. "I think this is testament to the quality of our programs and the success of our students as they continue to pursue their goals." Randall E. Lee, who serves as vice presi– dent of student services and leads the College's re– cruiting effort, added: "East Central Community College is one of the best colleges in the state and we offer an out– standing product. Our en– rollment continue s to grow because of the com– bination of low, low costs and a very high-quality education.··
Len Bobo
gan Pcrrormance and llleory/Composit1on from the Uni\crsity ofTenncs-" sec. In addition to his tenching duties. Bobo serves as Sanctuary Choir Director at Central United Methodist Church in MeJidian. lie has live pub– lished compositions and this past June his Requiem was premiered by the Meridian SymphonyCho– rus, the Central and Pop– lar Springs sanctuary d )irs, and members of ti1L ~ississippi Sjmphony. Dr. Wascoe has won many awards with her singing and performed in numerous operatic roles. She holds the Doc– torah.! in \'ocal Perfor– mance from the Univer– sity of Illinois. A Texas nati\e, she received the Bachdor of Music The– atre from the Uni\ ersity of Texas and the Master's Degree in Vo– cal Performance from l':orth fcxas State Uni– \ ersity. In June 20 ll, :-be v. as guest soloi<;t for Len Bohn ' s Requi~::m. Mann, o f
Case said the record en– tollment includes 2,667 students who reside in the College's support district, which includes Leake, Neshoba. Newton, Scott and Winston counties. The largest num– ber of students (752) comes from Neshoba County followed by New– ton, 680; Scott, 499; Win– ston, 373; and Leake, 363. Case said 556 stu– dents are from out-of-dis– trict schools in Mississippi and 92 students are from other states. For more infor– mation, contact David Case at ECCC, 601-635- 6406 or call toll free, 877- 462-3222, ext. 406. His e– mail address is dcase@eccc.edu.
East Central Community College mu– sic mstmctor Len Bobo, alumnus Aaron Mann and Dr. Rebecca Wascoc, c - 1 ... cr':::> .:3U -"~~M ofOrgani ts. ' .
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