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ECWarrior Club banquet set for August 11 in Mabry Cafeteria
~upportl'rs of East Central Conunu111ty Colleg-e athletics are encourag·l~ to nttend the fourth annual Warrior· Club Fall Banquet scheduled 'I'hm·sday, Augu:;t 11, on the Decatur campus. Activitie~ for the semi-casual event begin with a social hour at 6 p.m. fol– lowed by a dinner and program at 7 p.m. in Mabry Memorial Cafeteria. The banquet menu includes fried cntfish nnd shrimp. "'l'lw hanquel is open to all alumni nnd friends of the College who have supported Ea~t Central athletics in the pa<~t an ECCC's athletic teams. Hollingsworth said featured speakers on the program will be head coaches for each sport. who include Brian Anderson (football), Kenneth Thomp-son (women and men'R soccer), Bill Smith (women's basketball), :\fauricc Bowie {men's bas– ketbnll). ~eal Holliman (baseball), Scott Hill (fast-pitch softball), Dianne O'Neill and Kyle Watson {women and men's tennis) and Chris Clark {golf). Chris Harris, athletic director, \\ill serve as master of ceremonies. Tickets are S20 per person. All pro– ceeds are designated for The Warrior Club Post-Season Fund. For more information contact Dr. Stacey Hollinhrsworth, 601-635-6327 or call toll ft·ee, 877-·162-3222, ext. 327. 'rhe e-mail address is sholl i ng@cccc.edu. APPEARED IN: N.ESHOBA DEMOCRAT ____ SCOTT COUNTY TIMES ____ WINSTON COUNTY JOURNAL __ CLARION-LEDGER ______ CARTHAGINIAN -----___,~/ NEWTON COUNTY APPEAL _/~- SPIRIT OF MORTON -------– MERIDIAN STAR -------
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